Lol! How cute is That!!! Look
@ him! The adorable little cat!
heart heart AWWWW!!!
whee whee I wanna squeeze him and pet him like Rina does!! AWWWWWW!!!
whee heart My hearts gonna burst!
whee heart *lovesick sigh*
heart heart Well, I got a couple more pictures from Nicolae, Ian, Gino, & Liam. I tried to get Louie to approve my Valentine but it didn't work.
sad Ah well, I'll try again later!
whee heart ninja Ya. *sigh* Love! I just think they're all cute. I'm sure most the the Gaia women would agree. I'm not as stalky as most of them are though! lol. Some claim to be in a fan club.
whee heart blaugh Lol.
heart Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!