Weekend.......and Friday.
Well , we had to drop Bob off at her house. I let her borrow my Vampire Diaries ( which , yes , i think it is better than Twlight) . But so like yeah , we came home at 1:00 p.m. , and I was sooooo tired. I fell right asleep and woke up at 10:00 a.m. - which is like a miracle for me cuz i usually wake up at like 8:00 , so that was very off- schedule. Eh , my brothers said they didn't want to go to the gym today cuz they didnt feel like it.. Sheesh , if I wanna get those abs , I have to work for them! And yeah , weird for a girl to have abs - I jsut want em , so I can win a fight lol. Today we are gonna do nuttin. My dad said he was going to go to South Caroline , but he didn't. I mean South Carloina is fun and all , but I just mostly watch Bleach. My mom is invited to someones house , and I am so not going. We might go to the park today , since its nice weather!! REALLY nice. My brothers are playing soccer outside right now. They are like in love with soccer. Tomorrow , is just gonna be another day another life and closer to my death. Every day , I just wake up , and see a brand new day.
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