Where have I been?
I've recently gotten a bit caught up in zOMG. At first I tried to multi-task, forum-writing and gaming, but I couldn't keep up! (;^o^) I miss the YYH club, though. I'll definitely put myself to catching up with people now!
PENGISAN: がんばろうなぁ クロー? ganbarou na, kuroo? Let's do our best, okay, Crow?
あたし(Me): あぁあぁ、わかった・・・ aa aa wakatta... Yeah yeah, I got it...
PENGISAN: よかったな~クローえっ! あの子がどこに行ったのか? yokatta na~ kuroo--eh--!anokoga dokoni ittanoka? I'm glad, Crow--eh! Where'd that child go? ninja
It's good to practise my language skills before they all disappear!I should do some French dialogue too~ (sigh) Monsieur H would be so ashamed at the level I've degraded to in French... Désolé, mon ami, je m'excuse s'il te plaît..... see, that's why I'm worrying.
Oh well! Nothing some overnight study can't fix! b( >u< )d Yossha!!