Today is last day of my freedom smile ( no, I'm not getting married XD) Today I get back to city where I study. It's deffinitely not a great tragedy, cause I'll be back at weekendXD. But there I dun have pc, so I have no contact with friends. hmm... well smile I have to say that my university is so weird, taht I spent much more time with friends, that at univ XD . this time will be probably the same smile it's better part of studying wink although my studies are very, very interesting smile ( I don't have English language there- and You can see it the way I speak-_-')
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też uważam ze lepiej posiedzieć ze znajomymi niż cały czas w szkole razz tyle że ja nie mam tak luźno jak na studiach smile ale juz dużo nie brakuje i zacznie się laba biggrin czyt studia lol razz