My word, IF you steal it I have one word for you...DEAD!!! (Yeah, I can be MEAN!)Basically this is me: twisted + biggrin = AWESOME ME!!!
OK then, I got a bit off topic there, let me redo this:
BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH (la la la....____________________)
da do da OVER!!!!!!!!!!
DUDE, that was boring now we PARTY!!! (OFF TOPIC...AGAIN)
ON Saturday it look a total of 1 hour & 30 min to put on knee-high converse, for future reference if you don't have the time...DO NOT BUY KNEE-HIGH CONVERSE!!!!
Ok today (SUNDAY) I went over to my FATHER'S House. Sadly he had to work so I was left with my grandmother, it's not a bad thing until:
#1- You want to puke with all the pancakes you eat at a diner.
#2- I gets sort of boring since you are shoppig with a grandmother who is busy with her friend. I pushed the cart until we reached the book section, then I hit the books!
#3- You enter an empty house to help her friend move in! WE cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, I ate cheetos, hung curtains up, and left.
I came back home to a relaxed family (very rare to ever be relaxed,) THANK GOD! I already ate dinner for one of the first times at my dad's house, luckily, because that night my mom made...
The day ended until now...where I'm writing to you...THANX!By the way thank-you to the very special people who commented on my journal, keep up the good work people!! biggrin