::.About My Friends.:: (Be honest! Don't think about feelings!)
Friendliest: Katie
Prettiest: It says don't think about feelings, so...I would say me. (So I have high self-esteem, so what?)
Ugliest: Uhh...can't answer...to nice...
Most talkative: Molly
Most arrogant: Katelyn
Most immature: Kaitlyn and Matt tie...
Most mature: Allie
Most perfect: None.
Most careless: Matt
Most obsessive: Katrina
Richest: NOT ME!!! I say Molly because she's going to a private school and lives in the historic district...
Poorest: Me. Have you looked at my bank account?
Luckiest: Molly
Most unlucky: Heck, I think I might take the cake healthwise...so...me, maybe Katie...
One that has more screen names: Kaitlyn or Katelyn
One that has all three instant messengers: I don't know...
Closest one to you: Molly
One you've known for longest: Kaitlyn
One you can most relate to: Um.....Molly or Kaitlyn
One that shares your personality: It's a tie between Katie and Molly.
One that is most like you physically: I say Katie. We both have boobage issues.
One that you've known for the less longest: Allie (But I luffs you!)
One that has the worst grammar: Ooooo.....that's a tough one....
One that has the best grammar: Katie
One that shares your hobbies: All of them share hobbies with me!
One shares your musical interest: I don't know, maybe Molly, but I'm the only one that listens to C-Pop....or K-pop...yeah, I don't know.
One that does not share your musical interest at ALL: Maybe Robert...I don't like musicals.
One that has had a cellphone longest: Um...maybe me...
One who does not have a cellphone: We all have one because you're all in my address book!
One that you have slept over their house more: Molly.
One that has slept over your house more: No one!! crying
One that never slept over your house: Everyone! crying
Skinniest: ALLIE and MATT
Smartest: Katie
Sluttiest: Sorry, but Molly can play the part well if she wants to... (SOWWIES!!)
Less sluttiest: Allie.
Stupidest: We all are depending on how much sugar we've had (or in other cases, Sprite and sparkling grape juice...)
One that dyes their hair most: Me...
One that has the darkest hair color: Kaitlyn, Matt, or me.
One that has the lightest hair color: Katelyn
One that has the darkest skin color: Matt, maybe me, but Torre beats both of us.
One that has the lightest skin color: Katelyn or Molly.
Blondest: If we're talking about hair color, then Katelyn, if we're talking about attitude, then...all of us if we're together.
Studious: Katie? Maybe?
Less studious: I say maybe Robert or Katelyn...maybe?
One that has failed a grade that you know of: Are they grades in a class, or grade grades? If grade grades, then none of us I guess...
One that's supposed to be in another grade (Which grade?): Me! (Only supposed to be a junior.)
One that has a sn with the most 'x's in it: Shenme? Nani? Muot?
One that paints their nails more often: Me. I like fingernail polish! Or maybe Molly, I don't know...
One that never paints their nails: Kaitlyn
Most gothic: Robert
Most gangster: Torre
Preppiest: Molly (I SOWWY!)
Hippiest: Katie
Most artistic: We're all artistic!
Most creative: Again, we're all pretty creative....sometimes too much...
Most random: Molly. Or whoever invented the crack face. So...Molly, Kaitlyn, and/or Katie.
Less creative: Matt.
Most paranoid: I don't know...?
Most risk-taking: Kaitlyn
One that spends the most time on the computer: Kaitlyn usually.....or maybe Molly
One that spends the least time on the computer: Lauren
One that you have skipped school with the most: None.
One that you have skipped class with the most: None.
One that you have more classes with: Katelyn
One that you have least classes with: Katrina. I haven't had any classes with you! crying
One that does the most drugs: If I get a hold of any of you...I go chihuahua on you... (But I do take a heck of a lot of pills. THEY'RE PRESCRIPTIONS!)
One that smokes the most cigarettes: I don't know, and you better not!
One that drinks the most: Josh
One that you have partied with the most: Everyone! Yays!
One that you have never partied with: Um....Josh, Jordan, Lauren.
One that has the longest nails: Molly
One that has the shortest nails: Katelyn or Kaitlyn.
One that you think is going to take this survey next: Probably Robert.
Chibi-Speck · Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 01:46am · 3 Comments |