iKimiko Korosu:
The most treasured friend a person like me could have.She is my Twinny and She and I have so much in common its almost scary! In a good kind of way of course.We met in a random rally and we started up a random conversation,Became good friends,an BAM We became twins. After about a few months or so we found out we have so much in common. Like. . . ALOT IN COMMON. She is like my Best Friend/Sister to me ever. NO ONE could ever replace here in a Million Trillion,Well a very long time! I love you like MJ loves little boys. <3

Stronger Than I Seem:
Oh God where to start off. . .Ah lets start here,SHE IS INSANELY EPIC! This Person Really knows how to Party.She can Always,Without fail,Make me Laugh. I Love Her to death. She is so original it's scary. She can come up with the best things to stay and What not. Damnnn if she wasn't around,I don't know where I'd be. She has the best personality everrr;;; And I,once again,Love Her.

This Kid,Is,So,Awesome.We get into the most St00pidist fights ever,Witch makes him even more Awesomer.We could start off talking about something serious and then next thing you know,BAM! We start insulting each other. This kid can really make you laugh. And I'm glad I met him,Even though we all know that I'M more Awesomer than Him. :]

Ahhhhh Sweet Sweet Viva. :] She is Probably one of my Bestest friends ever. I've known her for like ever,Well since her name was "Violet_Ninja_Gone_Bad." She is probably the sweetest person ever. She really know how to tell a good Story. She has this awesome Imagination that make all the men Horny. <3 She is so awesome and I also Love her to death,WoopWoop. <33

Sasuke J Uchiha:
The names Moo,Don't forget that or he might BackHand you. This Kid is so hilarious and he loves cows. What more could you want from a guy?!? He's very Clueless It seems to me. He is so awesome that he makes R Kelly Jealous. He really knows how to Milk a cow. :] WE ALL LOVE YOU MOO!

Albino Moose:
HOLY MOOSE CRAP;;;The reason why my cousin,iDemonicTenten Can breath today. She means alot to him. But that's besides the point. He is probably in the same range as DeeDee. This kid can really pull the most Random s**t out of his pants. :] he makes awesome Animations and Profiles. And we all love you moose.

Oh Mai Gewd Hellzy.<3 The Sexiest,Bitchiest,Gorgeouses,Pervetedest Girl ever. You can really open up to her. She doesn't care what other people like and how they look,She'll love them anyway~ She has an awesome Personality and HELLZ YEAH I love her.Dammmmnnnnn;;; Im so glad we met. <3

I Yamanaka Ino I:
Inohh!!!!! I love you baby you are so Gorgeous. Lol. xD. Inoh is like one of my best friends and We're always hanging out,Getting in arguments with other people and such. xD. She is AMAZING;; Don't you forget that. She's always there for me and always has a story to tell. :'D I luff yew. xD!!!

II Haruno_Sakura II:
SawKuuRAWR!:] Bite me. ;O. You are the most Amazing Sakura cosplayer ever. ;D. Your so Original. <3 Not to mention your Hilarious and We have Lots in common it's scary. xD (Not as scary as me and my twinny) Your amazing at Drawing. You amaze me. c: I love you!! =D
More people coming later such as:
l iOreo l
And A Hella Lot Other's
l iOreo l
And A Hella Lot Other's
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