---at ambers house---
kurama: we're going bowling.
amber: bowling?
kurama: *distracted* yes the game with the pins and the ball and the strikes and stuff...amber, wheres my hairbush?
amber: *finishes brushing her hair and hands it to him* left mine at kyrins.... so whats bowling?
kurama: thx...wait....did u just ask what bowling is?
amber: yeah, what about it?
kurama: youve never heard of bowling???
amber: NO!! now tell me!!
kurama: oh my god!! hold on a sec.... *takes out cell phone* hiei, ya we have a major problem.... yes we're going bowling but... no ambers still coming. NO SHE DID NOT FALL OFF A CLIFF! listen, she doesnt know how. SHE KNOWS HOW TO FALL OFF A CLIFF! will u listen? *sighs* ok, u done? good. she doesnt know how to bowl!! yes i know... ok tell yusuke and crystal... be there in 10 mins. *hangs up*
amber: great now that thats out of the way, WHAT THE HECK IS BOWLING????
kurama: *grabs her arm* ull see... *runs with her to bowling alley*
---at bowling alley---
crystal: hi guys!
kyrin: hey. so u seriously have never been bowling amber?
amber: *coldly* would someone plz explain what bowling is?!?!
yusuke: chill amber... we'll explain it soon.
hiei: amazing, the baka onna is not only an arrogant snob, she also cant bowl.
kurama: all in good time hiei, watch ur back, amber might kick ur butt at this!
kyrin: *walks up to counter* 6 pairs of shoes plz?
(17 year old) guy: here u go sweet. watcha doin tonite? u got plans?
kyrin: im seeing someone thx. rolleyes *walks off*
random girl: *comes up and slaps him* JERK!! (lol his gf)
amber: ew. what are those?
yusuke: theyre bowling shoes. it makes it easier to play.
amber: theyre really ugly...
hiei: if the bakka ona's just gonna ramble on about footwear, im leaving. *gets up*
kyrin: no! hiei!! *kisses* now will u stay?
hiei: o-ok...
kurama: *sighs* anyway... so, in bowling u take this ball *picks up bowling ball* and roll it down the lane to knock down those pins.. *points at pins* if u get them all in one try, its a strike... if u get some on ur first try and the rest on ur second, its a spare.
crystal: we enter our names into a computer and it keeps our score for us! its waaay easier than trying to keep it by hand.
kurama: and one more important thing, do not walk past that red line. *points to line at beginning of lane* its super slippery after that and u WILL fall.
yusuke: ive got our names all entered in! *calls over to kyrin/hiei, still making out* OI! LOVEBIRDS! git over here ur starting kyrin!
kyrin: ok! sorry! *pulls hiei over to approach* i wont show off too much this game scince its ur first amber! *bowls ball and gets a strike*
all but her: *clap*
(im lazy so they all went and now its ambers turn)
amber: *picks up ball and looks at it confused* ummm..
kurama: *places her fingers in holes* then u walk up, *leads her up to approach* swing ur arm bak.. *holds arm back* and let it go!
amber: *swings arm forward and rolls a gutter ball* awww...
kurama: *slides hands down to her waist and positions her properly* try standing here.. u have too much of a left hook...
amber: *smiles and thinks: eeee! * *rolls ball and knocks down 4 pins* cool!
crystal: that was a good try amber! u can do it!
kurama: *whispers* the first time hiei ever bowled, he didnt hit one pin till his fourth try....
hiei: i can hear u!! telepathic, remember?!?
amber: *smirks at hiei* i dont really think he cares. whats up triclops? jealous?
hiei: in ur dreams baka pirate onna.
kurama: *frowns at yusuke* yusuke, why is my name up as ROSIE?!?!?
all but kurama: *laugh*
yusuke: kyrin insisted that we use our nicknames... im mr. finger bang.... kyrins snow angel... hieis iskabibbles....crystals kitten.
amber: *looks confused at him* what am i?
yusuke: well.... um amber, put ur sword away plz... (amber seaths sword) baka pirate onna.
amber: HIEI!!!!!!! *starts to get up but kurama pulls her back down*
kurama: wittnesses....
amber: easy. we just kill them all.
crystal: amber!
kyrin: lets just continue this game so that no one gets hurt!!!
(im so lazy.... they finish the game. here are the scores:
ROSIE: 204
amber: i sucked.... o-o'
kurama: for a beginner, u did good...
amber: ya but u said that triclops got 124 on his first game... i got 92...
hiei: oh, and im the jealous one?
amber: can i kill him yet??
kurama: at least wait till we get out of town...
yusuke: WOOT! theres gonna be a fight! 20 bux says amber gets first hit. any takers?
kyrin: ill take that. hope u have ur money out and ready yusuke, cause itll be mine b4 u can say why didnt i bet on hiei?!?!
crystal: plz dont fight, ur gonna get hurt! both of u!!
amber/hiei: *glaring at eachother*
crystal: will they ever listen??
kurama: *chuckles* i doubt it crystal..
yusuke: race u there kurama! *picks up crystal bridal style and dashes off*
kurama: ill give them some alone time..
amber: rules runt?
hiei: the usual.
kyrin: what are "the usual"?
amber: no biting, hostages, murder, or general destroying of others property. mostly clothes....and weapons dont count in the property category....
hiei: the fight ends when the other is unconsious.
kurama: i thought u 2 said u wouldnt mind killing eachoter?
amber/hiei: we dont want to make u 2 sad...
kyrin: suuuure...
*they arrive*
yusuke/crystal: *sitting on a log making out*
kyrin: ready to lose ur money yusuke?
yusuke: *breaks kiss w/ crystal* dream on wulfie!
koenma/botan: we'll be refing this fight.
all but ko/b: aah! dont pop up like that!!
koenma: hi sis, u ok? *hugs amber*
amber: just royally steamed at shorty here.. hi botan, sup?
botan: im fine! ur brother is a great kisser!
amber: *looks totally disgusted* ya i know....
hiei: stalling amber?
amber: u wish three eyes!
crystal: *leans on yusuke* why do they fight so much?
yusuke: its their way of saying they care, because both of them are too thick headed to admit that theyre best freinds..
kyrin/kurama: *sit on log eating popcorn*
botan/koenma: BEGIN! *step back*
amber: *fakes to the right and speeds toward his left and slashes with sword*
hiei: *catches sword in between his fingers and twists around, making the sword twist out of ambers hands* great move baka onna.
amber: hn.... *edges toward hiei then dashes toward him and elbows him in face*
hiei: *shocked by ambers speed, he pulls his head back in time but drops ambers sword*
amber: *catches sword and thrusts it at him*
hiei: *dissapears*
amber: grr... COME OUT U COWARD!!!
kurama: shes not letting him get a move in...
kyrin: come on hiei! hit her so i can get my 20 bux!!
yusuke: u can do better than that amber, if u can pummel me, u can beat this shrimp!!
crystal: how can u guys enjoy this?!?! its sick!
all: *totally ignoring her*
crystal: -_-
hiei: *appears behind amber, holds his sword to her neck, keeps one restraining arm around her waist and whispers to her:* gotcha.
all but a/h: *gasp*
amber: *cranes head back, exposing neck (why do people always do that when theyre cornered?) twitches hand* hn.....
hiei: no counter attack? ah i see, its because ur clearly at my mercy.
amber: not quite.
hiei: what do u mean, not quite? *notices her sword pressed against his stomach* oh, i see.... trying to match up..
amber: *kicks his shin and darts away* hah!
yusuke: hah! i win!
kyrin: no....hiei got his sword around her neck.
kurama: she has a point yusuke...
crystal: (given up) ya, hiei had a total advantage..
yusuke: *grumbles* fine... *gives kyrin 20 bux* here...
kyrin: *smirks* thank you!
hiei: *rushing toward amber* fist of the mortal flame!
amber: hurk! *punch catches her in gut she flies back but skids to a stop* ungh.... *winces from pain*
hiei: *appears behind her and kicks her back* kyah!
amber: unh! *falls forward and faints* oog...
botan/koenma: WINNER HIEI!
kyrin: yay!
yusuke: wow... u were so fast...
crystal: u completely pulverized her!! (what happened to "this is sick!"?)
kurama: good job hiei... *walks over to amber* u ok honeysuckle?
koenma: *calls over to hiei* good job! *sweeps botan into his arms and kisses her*
amber: *still half-ko'd* eww......
kurama: *picks up amber bridal style* she'll be out for a half hour..maybe.
hiei: that should be enough to shut her up for a few days though!
kyrin: u showed her ishkabibbles!
yusuke: she'll be steamed when she comes to though...
kurama: ill take care of that.
crystal: *yawns* im tired..
yusuke: *picks her up* ill get u home, bye guys!
all: g'night. *go home*
---THE END!!!---
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