me+random quiz
some people asked me the same questions over and over again...which I find very annoying after some time... so I'll answer them here... don't ask them again... i'll freak out on you...okay not freak out...maybe a bit mad? ...*pokes* also some things i just wanne tell..
Q1:Why the name "D_Cat-Exorcist"? A:I like D.Gray-man, cats and I wanted to be an exorcist since I saw D.Gray-man Q2 biggrin o you act the same in a rp as like in rl? A:sometimes... Q3:Why do you sometimes threaten someone (new ones)? A:I dunno, it's fun ^^ Q4:Are you a gothic girl? A: stare Do I look like one? If yes, no I'm not... Q5:Why are you sometimes really quiet? A:I have nothing to say...What else do you want me to do? Try to stab you? Q6:Could you borrow...? A biggrin on't ask me about borrowing... I trust no one... Q7:Why do you type this "..." alot? A:Jeez... I dunno, it's my style... Q8:Are you in love? heart A:0/////////0 For god's sake, leave me alone!!! Q9:Where do you live? A:Far, Far away from you... Belgium Q10:What's your fav game? A:um...tricky one...I tell some:Kingdom hearts, Final Fantasy, Klonoa and Sly Raccoon Q11:Who's your fav Character from D.Gray-man? for the exorcist I like Allen Walker the most, and for the Noah I pick Jasdero, Debito and Jasdevi ^^ <3 Q12:Are you a fangirl of them? A:I...rather not answer that... redface Q13:I've heard from other sources that you cheated on someone, with who and on who did you cheated? A:How do you know that!? Oh, and if you want to know, go check your sources!!!! scream Q14 biggrin o you make your own backgrounds? A: Of course I do! Q15:If you had to choose for a boy, how should he be? (a boy asked me this once) A:...Why do you actually wanne know? *sigh* Sweet, funny, I almost don't care for looks, a little romantic <3 (love sweet kids), and around my age ^^ Q16:What's your biggest fear? A:Believe it or not, but needles... everything that's too pointy (I'm not affraid of a fork if you thought that) Q17:What's your fav color? A:Look at the color of the questions, royalblue ^^ Q18:Then why is there so many pink? A:ppl are telling me to be more 'girly' That's me until now...More question could be add later (probably not, 'cause I'm lazy xD)
What Color Should Your Eyes Be? Your Eyes Should Be Gray Your eyes reflect: Intensity and drive
People find you to be: Mysterious, brilliant, and charming
Your best trait: You're completely fearless and willing to take on anything
What's hidden behind your eyes: A sensitive soul
0.0" what the.... (so not fearless x3)