I changed my profile! I just rearranged some things. I got bored and iplaydoh-sama taught me how to do a few new things. I like how it looks now. :3
I got new things for Christmas and I like how my avi looks now. reminds me of a fallen angel (hence the white clashing with the black). I was also nice this xmas and got some of my friends things... but I havent heard any thankyous yet. *sulk*
oh well. I wasnt expecting any of that except from my friend Nikorasu-san. He and I are usually always in touch somehow. ^^
ANyway, in real life, I gotts presents that I will always cherish. I just wish that my mom got me two other books too... actually make that three other books. Then I wouldve been happier, but right now, Im just happy. smile
And for today, we might bring down our xmas tree. I probably wont be helping. Im too lazy... =.=
Lastly... do I have a lastly to add to this brief journal entry? hmmm..... I onno.
I cant say anything cuz my bro is sitting right here so I am obliged to say nothing. well... I'll say it some other time, just not right now. ^^
kay now, bye!
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nijuku's journal
HELLO!!! This is my journal. hope you like what you read.
usually, it's on stupid things or about me and my life.
*meow* ^^
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