Mandy was running. From a group of three guys. They were her friends too. She didn’t know why they were chasing her but they were close behind her. She had to pick up speed. "Oh come on Mandy we aren’t going to hurt you!" "I cant believe you guys!" she jumped up and tried to get to higher ground but missed and went crashing to the ground. A crack could be heard as she hit the ground then a piercing scream. The guys found her at last. "Hurt yourself did you? Did you miss us Mandy?"asked Matt. "Why do you guys care?" "Here let me help you Mandy."said Jason her other friend. "I'm fine Jason!"Mandy yelled as she scooted away. "Oh really? Does this hurt?"asked Matt softly poking where Mandy's bone was broken in her leg. Another heart wrenching scream came from Mandy.
"Mandy we really aren’t going to hurt you. We were sent to get you."said Matt. "Now calm
down and just listen to us while Jason fixes your leg. Okay Mandy?" Mandy slowly shook her head. "Okay. We were sent to get you by the king. He wants you to marry his son." Mandy felt Jason's cold hands on her leg but she could trust him. Who she couldn’t trust
was Nick, her third friend. He was handing Kevin a small bottle with a blue liquid in it. "Nick could you pick up from here?"asked Matt. "Sure." Mandy's eyes never left the bottle. "Mandy the prince doesn’t know about your arrival. But once he sees you and how beautiful you look he will want to marry you." "What if I dont want to marry him?"she asked her eyes still on the bottle. "Well I dont know. But Mandy he is hard to say no to. He has one of your pictures he said "She is the one." right to us." "Fine I'll go but there is no way my leg will be healed by the time we get there." "Oh it will. Matt hand me the bottle next to you." Matt carefully tossed the bottle careful to not break it. "This will help the healing process."Nick said moving the liquid around in the bottle, which was level with his eyes and Mandy's. "W-what is it?"she asked. "Just some medicine the infirmary gave us
incase you did get hurt." "Do I have to drink it?" "Yes. But you will barely taste it because as soon as it gets in you, you will fall asleep." "Oh that’s great to tell me! Now you think I will drink it?!" "You'll have to Mandy. If you want your leg to heal faster. Do you want me
to give it to you Mandy?"asked Jason. "Yes please Jas. If you will." (For this you may be either of the guys or the prince in here. I dont mind who you are. You could be all of them if you want!)

Lori was only sixteen. But she was a slave. Its not like her parents sold her into slavery. Her parents died when she was only ten. She was sent to an orphanage and someone soon adopted her. They then turned her into a slave. A very disobedient slave. She never had a master for long. They always returned her saying "She's too disobedient!" But she didn’t care. She was just sitting in her cage one scorching hot summer day. It was her birthday the next day but no one cared. She thought she was seeing a mirage when it really was a man walking in. She slightly turned her head her eyes narrow. She saw the man coming closer to the cage and soon he was only a few feet from her. "You must hate being stuck in this cage."he said. "Heh, better then the places I've been." "Why are you here? You look like a mere teenager. No child should be a slave." "I was forced into slavery. Someone adopted me and turned me into one." "But dont your parents have any say in this?" "They died when I was only ten. Nobody wants me now." "I would take you. Not as a slave but as a daughter." "Really? You would have to be a pretty good actor to get me out of this place. You have to talk to the owner up in his hut." "I'll get you out of here sweety." The man then got out of his crouching position and went up to the hut. He knocked on the door and the owner came out. "May I help you?" "Yes. I was wondering if you had any disobedient slave. And I want one that is very disobedient." "We have her right there. She is the worst of the group." "Really? Has she had previous masters?" "Yes tons. But they all send her back. She is very disobedient." "I'll take her." "Good. I'll get her out for you."said the owner opening Lori's cage. "I hope you have no trouble with her."he said as he pushed Lori to the ground then locking he cage again. Lori growled back at the owner then looked up at the man. "Dont worry I wont. I'll teach her to be obedient. I'll send you feed back in the next few months. Come slave." He tok her to his car. He had a Volvo Convertible. "Get in"he demanded. As soon as they were away from the place he apologized. "I guess that instinct took me over. Im sorry." That's q-quite alright."

Juliana walked down the dark alley alone. Her friends got a little drunk and were thrown out of the bar. But Juliana was smarter then them to drive home. They probably crashed by now she thought. She could hear someone behind her so she decided to take the left closest to her. She picked up speed as she ran up the stairs and another guy was around the right corner so she took another left. She turned after running down the alley hearing the two guys behind her and hearing another two people on her sides above her. Juliana didn’t know it but if she turned to the left or the right she was at a dead end. "Oh no." "Hey why were you running? We weren’t going to hurt you." Juliana was surprised at the voice behind her and slowly started to take a few steps back from the two in front of her. "Uh...um well I guess I was just surprised." She kept on backing up when she crashed into two other people and falling to the ground. "W-what’s going on? How did you two get from up there to here?" But none of her questions were answered for somehow she fell unconscious.

Maria was the new girl in school. She knew she would be popular in only a few days. For she did have the best clothing in the school. Her clothes were specially picked out to fit her. “So Maria. Where did you move from?”asked one of her new friends. “Oh I moved from a lot of places. Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, and a lot of other places. But we finally came to America. My father got a job in the oil business. I’ve never been here till only a few weeks ago.” “Wow that’s so exciting! You must have had a lot of friends that you had to leave.” “Yes but I still talk to them. They’re all in this device.”she said holding up a sort of PDA/ cell phone. “I have more than five hundred friends on here. I get tons of texts a day. If I ever lost this it would be horrible. Especially if someone talked to my best friends.” “What is that?” “Eh just a cell phone but it is different from all others. It was specially made for my in China for my fifteenth birthday. And I have kept it with me from the second I got it.”

She was always made fun of in school. The shy quiet girl. Never talks to anyone because she thinks they will embarrass her. Then one day she woke up and went to school full of energy and smiling at everyone. She even asked her crush Bobby out. Some people are thinking if she got abducted or something. But it is the same girl. “Hey Emily. You want to sit with us today?”asked one of the jocks of the school. “Me? Your asking me? Why?”she asked. “Because you seem so lonely over here and we just want you to feel comfortable. So why not please?”asked Paul with his hand out. Looking around Emily decided to take up the offer from Paul. “Fine. But you guys have always made fun of me why would you want me to sit here?” "Well I guess we just want to give you a chance. After all how you asked out Bobby today impressed us. So why not have you come and sit with us?" "Well I guess-" They got to the table and Emily noticed there were no seats left. "Uhh Paul where are we to sit?" "Oh well umm we could sit alone together I guess." "Sure." "Okay just wait I have to get my stuff. I'll meet you over there." Emily smiled and stared walking back to her table. "And soon the fireworks will fly. Hope you enjoy."he laughed to his

Felicity just woke up and sleepily slumped down the stairs. She noticed no one was home so she decided to make breakfast for herself. While eating her cereal half awake the doorbell rang. When Felicity opened the door there was a guy about her age maybe a little bit older. He had a wicked grin on his face. He pulled her out of the house and into the van that was parked in the driveway. “Dont say a word!” he said as he got a roll of tape out and taped her mouth shut then got some rope and tied her wrists together. Pitiful screams came from Felicity but she gave up for she saw it was no use. She was a goner. “Aww what’s wrong you gonna miss your mommy and
daddy?”said the driver with an evil laugh. “Lets just go we need to get her there as quickly as possible!”screamed the person who was infront of Felicity. He saw Felicity's necklace from a glance. "An angel for an angel hmm Felicity?"he asked. Tears slowly started to fall from Felicity's eyes. "Aww dont cry."he said while he wiped the tears off her face then gently stroked her cheek. "Your so beautiful."his hand left her cheek. His eyes went from her face to the window. The scenery went by slower now as the van pulled up to a mansion. "Welcome home Felicity."

Eryn was more of a tomboy then a girl. She loved sports. Especially Baseball. She loved playing it and watching it with her brothers and her dad. But one day her mother signed her up for cheerleading after-school. Right when baseball was starting! “Mother! How could you do this! I have to play everyone will be mad if I don’t!” “Well I’m sorry Eryn but you need to do more girl things. You aren’t a boy. You should have more friends that are girls than guys. That is just unnatural Eryn I’m sorry.” “But mother! I have to play. The guys will be mad if I don’t! You have never even went to one of my games! I am the best player on the team! Please don’t make me go through this!” “Fine You don’t have to go. But as soon as baseball is over you have cheerleading in the winter.” “Aww mom! Fine.” The next day was the first practice of the year. Eryn noticed the same people were on the team as last year. “Okay guys we need to really pull it together this year. If we dont-” “We know Eryn! If we dont we cant get to the playoffs. Calm down Er!”yelled her brother, Jeremy. “Come on guys lets just get to practice.” But Eryn didn’t see the new kid coming down to the field. "Okay this one is going way out-" Eryn's sentence got cut off. The ball connected with her head as the new kids head shot up to see it. "Smooth."he laughed to himself. As the team was grouping near Eryn the new kid squatted down beside her. "Real smooth. You the only girl on this team?"he asked not knowing if she was awake or not. But she was.