Sooooo I now have a month off to do NOTHING but sit on my butt! I finished exams and I think I did ok but I don't have my marks back yet - poo. School is going uber good and I haven't had any stress - go anti-anxiety pills! lol
I am still l madly in love with my bf Kirk. We had a rough patch and this guy who was my like best friend is being stupid and all "I love youuu, were meant to beeeee" so I basically have to stop talking to him cause he doesn't get the slap in the face hint and won't move on so ya x.x I have 2 real close friends left..Kirk and Sara...both are busy a lot soooooo ya...emo Jessi LOL BUT I am going on anti-depressents in about a month when I see another shrink (so that like my fourth or something stupid like that lol).
Kirk also convinced me to buy an XBOX 360!!! ZOMG I LOVE IT! I am hard core addicted - it's all I think about. I have 6 games and I only bought it a week ago. Hopefully I'll be able to ignore it to do homework once second term starts up lol I'm a nerd so I should be able to.
Baba sadly is doing s**t....she has 2 more treatements left...mentally she's gone down hill FAST....physically she's doing as good as can be expected. I am tryig to cheer her up and help but it's hard to convince someone to cheer up when they're dieing...we're hoping she makes it into next year. The doc's say she has at least a year left but I dunno....your mental state effects your body a I dunno...
Today the Popa (which is like the pope to Orthordox peoples) came over today. So to make my Baba and Deda happy I said hi and I had to KISS HIS FREAKING HAND! Kill me now >.>
I bought kirky a freaking expensive drill for his b-day but he lovvvved it! I am soo happy...things are great between us...he rocks my world...goooo sex! LOL He's a sex mother ******** GOD! lol
Anything else knew....hrm...oh I actualy like Kanye West's new album...I know, I am ashamed of me too LOL Kirk got it for his B-day and I stole it form him to rip it to my laptop haha
Hopefully I'll update more now since I have time off - see ya peoples!
Tama is in my Soul · Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 08:16pm · 1 Comments |