Grunny's WhiteList -iLoveYouMuchie- - 1k+1k+1k+random stuff= i ♥ you!!!!!!!!! Naomi Minami - HIPster Green Tint Shades+Deadly Mood Bubble!!!Ty!!!!♦♣♥♦♣♥ SELECT ME ONCE - Angel Imp Plushi!!!!omg!Ty so Much!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥<<i love the lil froggy xd PLuR MONsTer RaWR - Kappa Plush+1k!!!!!!!!♥Ty So Much!!!!Very Much!!!!! LeVampirex - donated 1k+ even thoe it was all his gold D= so i give him.........Kappa Plush =D A SiLent HerO – Purple Snowflake Scarf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ty a Ton!!!! heart President LaLaLand – My Wifey Gave Me Suspenders+2.5k!!!Ty Wifey heart  I hit puberty – 1k and stuff xd Ty! Merissa Murder - 1k+10 pink ink+January Birthstone Crown+Freddy Claws!!!Ty So Much!!!And it was a Random Donation!!!!!!!!!! Kaori Fallen Angel - Burned Apocaripped Scarf,Pink Scarf,Spirited 2k7 Scarf,Dandiidoodad Spore!!! u make me fall outta my chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥Ty So Much!!!! crying crying danger nikki 911 – 2k!!!Ty So Much!!!!! Tsumi-na-bara – 400 White Daisy’s+400 gold_2k!!Thank You ! XxAsuka SamaxX – I got fortune egg for doing her contest =D ty! Variella – Deadly Mood Bubble!Ty A Lot!!! Incy spider – G-LOL Dark Dollie Top ON A TRADE BACK!!!!!!Ty So Much!!!!!!!!! Kaori Fallen Angel - then i shall wait 3nodding x – C l a r i t y – x – My Sis Gave Me Angry Vein Mood Bubble+Golden Star Mood Bubble+Deep Azura Slinky Split Dress!!!!Ty So Much Sis!!! Root99 – Deadly Mood Bubble!!!!!Ty Sooo Much!! PsycoMachine – Arrow Fish+800g+Plain Fluff Plushie+600g!!!!! Ty!!! Prillupop - Music Note Mood Bubble!!!Ty  Woah! It HiddenBeauty – Holy Gauntlets+Snow Witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!Omg!!!!Ty So Much!!!!!! !!!!I Almost Fell Outta My Chair!!!!! Tini_Kitty - Puppy Ears!!!!!!!!Ty A Lot!!!!!! Bisexually Sexy - Infrared Goggles+Stuff+950g!!!!! Thank You!!! Nightfeare - Music Note Mood Bubble!!!!!Ty Soo Much!!!!! arcaniman1993 - 1k!!!!Ty!!!!! heart A SiLent HerO – Dandiidoodad Spore 2nd Gen!!!!!!Ty Sis!!!!!and I will be sure to sell the ring thing xd An anonymous benefactor - Holy Gauntlets!!!!!!!!!!!!Ty Soo Much!Grunny Kisses To u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it was a gift too =O xxx___a i l y n - 1k!!!! heart TyTyTy heart _Shizuke Kurai_ - TM(Time Piece) OmG!!!Ty SoooOOO Much!!!!!!!! Grunny Will Lov U 4Ever!!!!! ~The_ Goddess _Athene~ - Bluegray Tie + Plain Silver Naso Chain!!!!Ty!!!! Uriko - Frustrated Mood Bubble!!!ty!!and yea cool he is smexy lol!!!! xd HumanAfterAll - 1.5k!!!Ty!!!!!!!!! sour_kitty - Angelic Mood Bubble+Golden Star Mood Bubble+100 Blue Daisys+200 Pink Daffodil+100 Purple Daisy+100White Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And It Was Random Donation!!!!!!!!Ty Sooo Much!!!! heart --Neko Moki-- - 2k!!!!Lol Ty!!!and i say he smexy but u dont have to xd NoLoveJustPain - Tuga The Narwhal Plush+Piggy Plush!!!!Ty So much!!it was random donation too!!! Rave Lament - Angelic Mood Bubble!!!!!Ty!!!!! heart heart Uchiha Kino - 2491g!!!Ty so Much!!!!! heart !!!!! Radical Edward the Hacker - Fancy Pink Ribbon !!!!!!!!!! Ty heart =D smackin_elayn - G-BOT !!!!!!!!!!Omfg!!!!I swear i just fainted xd Ty !!! heart Iam Loveless - 1k!!!!!Ty A Lot! _wotagvirsmacherobtarsly_ - Music Note Mood Bubble!!!!Ty So Much!!!! pSyCoMImE - A Lot Of Flowers+1838g and she gifted Doll Ears!!!!!!!!Ty SooooOOO Much!!!!!!1 heart heart Ashwinderrr - Used Chainsaw!!!!Ty Very Much!!!!!!! -iiXO _ CANDiEE - 2.5k to hlp wit my celestial wrap!!!!Ty so Much!!!! heart mellygirl562 - Plain Fluff Plushie+Langer The Dragon Plush !!Ty For Both Of The Plushies!!!!!
SenNataku · Sat Nov 29, 2008 @ 04:23am · 0 Comments |