This is Eamnonn:

Pretty, isn't he? He's an Edelsteine from Ivynian's lovely, lovely shop: that means he's a subject god reborn. His specific area is the Hunt. He's a nice fellow these days, being a cheerful anti-clothes sort who has some rather kooky pets, followers, and taste in women. Has a long-standing thing for Beryl, goddess of the Wind, which for once is being reciprocated! My boy is filled with joy. He's also the first Edelsteine to get branded with the mark of the sinned for being very, very naughty, but honestly he's redeemed himself. Friendly but not really social, he's on his way to his final incarnation as a full fledged deity, and I'm working to get him there, but I also need some help from you all. See, a god needs followers. How do we do this in game? Well, I quested for four who are now characters I write with Ea, but mostly Ivy makes 'plushies' of each god and then says each needs at least 40 gaian owners of plushies. This is where you lovely people come in. So, who wants a cute picture of a plushie Ea and to help out a god to boot?
..Plushie Army..
Member Total Needed: 40
Current Member Total: 26
NOTE: Due to my sneaky written questy thing, I get a free 4 followers! So, the member total is how many people have plushies, so Member total plus 4 is the actual full total. Confusing? Always!

..How to Get One..
1. Send trade for 60g to Ivynian.
2. Save a copy of the above plush and host it yourself.
4. PM Ivynian or post in the Edelsteine thread a link to where your plushie is hosted and/or displayed.
3. Tell me you have done so by leaving a comment here or sending me a pm.
Remember - stealing doesn't help Ea grow his army! If you really can't afford a plushie, pm me and I can probably buy it for you.
Now, I'm not a fan of just asking for monies which is essentially what I'm doing here - I give to others, thanks! If I were more of an artist I would offer my artistic skills in trade for a plushie purchase, and there are a few things I can do so those I will offer. Basically, if there's something I can do to make your life on gaia easier for you helping me out with this, I will gladly do it.
..Things I Can Do in Exchange for a Plushie Purchase..
1. Draw two types of in my opinion cute chibish things.
2. Do a cut paper postcard and mail it to thee.
3. Make banners.
4. Write! As to what, I leave that up to you.
5. Research a topic on the internet. (I dunno, I'm throwing random stuff up here, not unlike a resume.)
6. Bump your thread.
7. Talk to me!
Thanks for helping out and/or dropping by! Feel free to leave comments or send me pms.
I am going to keep my avvy dressed as Ea until this quest is finished!
Community Member