I am really bored!
Hi person, Thanks for reading this but you're wasting you're time. I just made this because I was bored. So umm journals are for like stories right? ( please answer ). Okay I got one ( no I don't ) Once upon a time there was a boy ( me! OMG >o< ) he was hated because he "WAS" ugly, annoying, clumsy, lazy, and stupid... So of course he was very stare most of the time he also crying a lot and he was emo . because he of a lot o' peeps he was like this... (( ******** HATERZ )) (( Hi Jesus )) though the "peeps" that didn't hate on him were Jesus and Anthony because they are the "s**t" so add them plz? I have them on my page as links. So were was I? oh yeah because they were the s**t! so they helped him get through the day! they would make this peep laugh and be 1/2 happy >o< but then came a long this Kewl cool girl heart He ended up loving her... now his life sucks to the b***h the end >o< I know I know I sounded stupid sweatdrop watevas I was bored okay! scream don't hate please? ninja oh so yeah bye?