Sagoné Hishukato Oct. 2008
The rolling hills and clear meadows
All filled with fog and mist.
The foreboding night sky with dark clouds
The majestic moon peeking through in it's midst.
The soft patter of raindrops in the puddles all forlorn.
As I trudge through the silent grass
It's a fitting picture for my heart, broken, hurting and torn.
I I look to the Heavens above, the rain falling into my eyes.
My knees give out, I fall to the ground, my motionless body remains
I finally raise my head, and letting my anguish out, I give a desperate cry.
I sit there letting the moments pass by.
Remembering the love that I had felt
And the reasons that our dreams went to fly.
Wishing I could relive those days long ago
Wishing I could feel each kiss, hear each word
And to give him the pain that he had bestowed.
My clothing wet and heavy, my drenched hair sticking to my face
I rise and continue my journey on
Cursing my heartbreaker and all of his race.
I stiffen as a tall figure forms out of the mist.
My shoulders drop as I see a young man
Who everynight his heart for I it is whist.
His long dark hair blowing in the chilling breeze.
He walks over to me and gently we embrace
Oh! I am thankful for friends as these.
I had turned him down for my cursed heartbreaker.
Only to find him with open arms as I am at my lowest of lows
Why had I ever pushed him aside, the one who turns into my rescuer?
I start to sob, my legs yet again failing me.
His arms reach and catch, and he looks into my eyes
His lips touch mine, I sink into his arms, all my pain and sorrow finally free.
A kiss in the rain, moonlight surrounding us.
I suddenly see my life with no other
Cupid's arrow into my heart is thrust.
The very man I had rejected.
Now the only man I see
I'm begining to wonder if surprises is what I have perfected.
Walking softly in the rain, we are happily Hand - In - Hand.
Not a single word has either spoken
Yet we both entirely understand.
Beauty through the pain, the last night I shall spend alone.
I am in awe of such Providential perfection
As together we walk through the rain, silently home.