Ive been tagged! NOES!!!
001. Name → Victoria!!!
002. Nickname → Kisa!
003. Status → Emo emo
004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
005. Male or female → Fe to the Male (Female>.< wink
006. Elementary →Forest lakes (I stopped in 2nd grade)
007. Middle School → Me HOME!
008. High School → Yet again me HOME!
009. Smart → Idk....
010. Hair color → Dirty Blonde with light Blonde highlights! (I dont Dye my hair btw^^)
011. Long or short → Short
012. Loud or Quiet → I can be VERY! Loud but I can be quiet when I want to....
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans FTW!
014. Phone or Camera → The camera phone!
015. Health freak → Not really...
016. Drink or Smoke? → I only drink...ORANGE SODA!!
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Maybe...
018. Eat or Drink → I kind of need both to live, thank you!
019. Piercings → Yuppers! one in each ear
020. Tattoos → I'm getting one when i'm old enough
023. First piercing → My ears duh!
024. First best friend → Kristen!!!
025. First award → Cheerleading (1st place in nationals ^^)
026. First crush → A kid named shane (But now I have a totaly hott boyfriend, he's a gorilla named Albert Von snickerdoodle III
027. First pet → Chloe
028. First big vacation → We stayed with my aunt in georgia for 5 day's
030. First big birthday → 14th B-day!!!
049. Eating → Candycane
050. Drinking → My spit....
052. I'm about to → Type...
053. Listening to → The T.V
054. Plans for today → Hang with my best friendule! (Kaya!!!!)
058. Want kids? → When I'm older
059. Want to get married? → DER!
060. Careers in mind → Photographer
068. Lips or eyes → Eyes. So pretty!
070. Shorter or taller? → Taller but not to much taller then me!
072. Romantic or spontaneous → I think a little bit of both!
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both xD
074. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive yet loud at times!
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship. No kidin'
077. Trouble maker or hesitant → Hesitant....
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Do I look blind to you?
081. Ran away from home → Nope! i've thought about it but never did and hopefuly never will!
084. Broken someones heart → I dont think so and I hope I never do...
085. Been arrested → Yea..just got out..JK! xD
087. Cried when someone died → Yes, alot (My aunt! *Sniffle*)
089. Yourself → Hellz yea! xD
090. Miracles → Yesh!
091. Love at first sight → Sorta
092. Heaven → nope
093. Santa Claus → Of course!!!! JK
094. Sex on the first date → Oh yeaz!....JK
095. Kiss on the first date → I think thats Cute!
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yes very much so.... (I wanna hangout with Ryder!!!!)
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → I am very happy where I am in life blaugh
099. Do you believe in God → Not really
100. Post as 100 truths and tag → Maybe.....
I tag Marie and Haru!!!
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Kisa's Journal
I write about stuff...YEAH! stuff :D
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i stopped fighting my demons...

we're on the same side now...