Mood: Excited
Category: Music
Currently Listening: Owl City
I want to purchase my first ocarina. surprised carina: I want to get it from Songbird Ocarinas. I want the blue sweet potato XL. I like the sound of it best. In the future, I'm thinking Christmas, I may get the red fairy Extended. I am also getting a Zelda book too. The reason I want the ocarina is because like many others, I'm sure, are die hard Zelda fans :triforce: . I also just love the sound that comes out of those little instruments. I would love to add Ocarina to a list of musical intruments I play as well.
I want to purchase my first ocarina. I want to get it from (Songbird Ocarina) I want the blue sweet potato XL. I like the sound of it best. In the future, I'm thinking Christmas, I may get the red fairy Extended. I am also getting a Zelda book too. The reason I want the ocarina is because like many others, I'm sure, are die hard Zelda fans. I also just love the sound that comes out of those little instruments. I would love to add Ocarina to a list of musical intruments I play as well. Here are some pictures:

I know those pictures sorta suck, but I had to google them, and that's the best I could find. What do ya'll think?
And for the XL and the Zelda book it comes out to $70.90 including shipping.