*Drinks Rum* Ah!!! Where last I left off, I was mourning for the absence of Captain Syrup. The spunky, smart, and greedy female pirate had disappeared after her second appearance in Wario’s game Wario Land II. Did Wario dispose of her? Did she die?! Whatever the case, she hasn’t been seen for ten years!
After 10 long years, Captain Syrup returns in the Wii video game Wario Land: Shake It!. So many questions I have for her! What has she been doing? Where is her crew? Does she want revenge on Wario?! In the beginning of the game, Syrup observes the crisis of the Shake Dimension (a world within an globe) inside the Ancient Globe and finds out the existence of the Bottomless Coin Sack, possessed by the evil Shake King. The bottomless sack holds seemingly infinite treasure! Seeing how much work this would be, Syrup “hires” her nemesis Wario to do her dirty work. Knowing how greedy her gluttonous enemy is, it was child’s play to “hire” him.
So Syrup plays the role of a manipulator and assist. She sells Wario maps to other continents within the globe after he defeats a boss in the game. The game also reveals Syrup’s first name, which is Maple. So her name is Captain Maple Syrup! Oddly enough, her crew, the Black Sugar Pirates, does not appear in Wario Land: Shake It!.
Wario Land: Shake It! also shows the first ever victory of Captain Syrup. After Wario claims the bottomless coin sack for himself, Syrup snatches the coin sack from Wario when he is not looking. So it seems Wario’s adventure was for naught.
With Syrup’s first victory over Wario, this may be a sign of things to come. Will the Wario Land games continue? If so, will Syrup return? Wario is not one to allow anyone to steal treasure from him, so it is possible. Until then, I leave you with the revamped image of Captain Maple Syrup!