Hey to all you people who are having a bad day!
If your having a bad day then look on the bright side of things!
Look at what you have not what you do'nt have!
If your having troble with a person like a perent,freind, or enemy!
Then try to piture yourselfs in there shoe's imagine how they are effected
A parent if like a friend only while friends come and go family is there for life. There the ones who will be there for you to get you up on your feet when down on the ground. There there to help so dont be afraid to talk to them, or spend time with them! And if you think your to cool to hang with your folks for a while think again! Nothin's cooler then siting with your parents or grand parents and talking, or just being around them! Sit down and lisen to them tell you about what there life used to be like you might just learn a thing or two! If your friends say its uncool then they dont know much, Parents know what being your age is like! They've been there and done that, so try siten down and lisening!
A friend is grat to have to tell your secrets to and have fun with, but a true friend respects your opinion no matter what! If you friend is trying to get you into stuff like drugs, acahol then say NO! Its not worth it to start so dont go there drugs will only hurt you and loved ones not your friend! If your friend is constilly bikkering you about these like starting drugs then there no a much a friend! Im not saying that if they do drugs to not be friends with them heck, alot of my friends are on drugs as well! just stop and think befor you do anything like drugs ask yourself this "is it worth it? Does my popularity level matter enough risk everything? is it really worth my time or money to start? If you ask The anser to these quetions are NO! Life is to short to live it on drugs and the consiquensis are high for doing drugs! Like waking up with tattoes you dont remember getting,finding out you had sex with a person you dont or barly know, getting in car crashes ,making the people who loved you suffer, overdoses thst can lead to death, going to jail or juvie, or getting kicked out of school!(I know the last one may not sound bad but consider this would you rather live in a nice house with a well paying job able to support your family? OR would you rater be a hobo, live in a crappy house hardly able to sopport your family and watching them suffer very painfuly?OR be one of those bums who are 40 and still live with there parents?) So before you risk your happiness or life doing this I ask you is it worth it?
A friend is There to lean on as you are there for them to lean on! It is one of the best things in the world! Friends can come from anywhere you just have to look! To all af you populare peps out there try talking to some one less populare you may find that some of your best friends come from there and they could just be better friends then the ones you have now!(No Im not joking! stressed ) Statis dosent matter a freind is a friend no matter What statice they are, there color of skin, there school group, how much money they have, or what ther life is like! A friend is a friend no matter how big or how small (From Hortan Hears A Who! xd ) So try to talk to other people sit next to someone you dont know youll find theres a friend were ever you look! Dont look at whats bad look at whats good youll find that a person is'nt as bad as they seem and if the freinds you have dont like it tell them toughf! Keep this in mind everyone has a little bit of Preppy, goth, book worm, geek, out cast, skatter, jock, spirt, or punk!(if there's any other group there is that I forgot to mentionsorry!) find the commen ground between a person!
An enemy is only an enemy if you make them one! If you have a proplem with an enemy then try to think od=f these things "Why dose that person act the way they do? Why do they keep picking on me? Is it because of family problems? Is it because they fell insicure?Friens?"
Try to find the anser to theses quetions but try to avoid rumers the way you can identify one is when someone says "I heard" or "someone told me" 99% of the time they are'nt true! Try looking at there lifes in there shoes! Look at the people that are around them most of the time they just want to look cool or they feel insucure around you!(Yes its posible though thell never admit it) They might even have a problem and thats there way of hidding it! If there a bully then tell them that there's nothing more pathedic then someone who picks on someone else just to feel nodice, or cool!And for those of you who think things like this are funny think again! Its pathedic and crule! For all you know the people you pick on could become great thing and your ruining it for them! And as your you victems out there dont get yourselfs down! You are just as great as them and better in some Ways! So keep moving forward! If they pester you then ignor them! Tere not worth your time!
Thnx for reading Ill be sure to post again soon! mrgreen
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