Enchanted Book: Tale of the Glass Rose
-Name: Enchanted Book: Glass Rose Edition
-Number of Generations: At least as many as the original enchanted book.
-Detailed Description or Pictures of poses per evolution: A tale of a lonely beast tamed by a tender heart. Words shift and dance as a new tale is brought to life.
Now, I'm not one to detail out each and every evolution, because I'm lazy and that takes some of the fun out of it IF it was created, but some things that could be included...
1. The rose under the glass dome, a traditional image for anyone familiar with the story. It could be a hand held pose, on the ground, or there could be a pose with a little table and have it next to the avi. These types of poses aren't always popular, but it has to be there to tell the story properly. There can be a full rose and then poses later on with it wilting.
2. The living objects! A candelabra, clock, feather duster, tea set, etc. Maybe there could be some costume poses where the avi is dressed up like these objects. (Giant teapot suit anyone? &D)
3. With the popularity of well done backgrounds, a ballroom scene *_* Some sort of quaint village scene would be nice as well.
4. The beast needs to make an appearance, and this could be entirely fun for an artist because they could have artistic freedom with how they want the beast to look. Would he be more feral than the Disney version or more refined? Either way, he could be a date pose as well as an outfit, because we all know men are just beasts deep down, right? wink &3
5. Outfits! Beauty and the Beast has the opportunity for more rich ballroom gowns and princely/regal attire, and as we've seen from the enchanted book, those types of items are adored.
6. Of course a happily ever after with the beast becoming a prince, most likely as a date pose, but I think a happily ever after requires lots of shiny effects... like a shimmering layer to go over the avatar box. Time to see everything through our disney goggles, kids!
More ideas will follow in some of the background links :3
-Background Links:Outfits/ballroom scene
Some of the living objects and proof that books make the best items:3
Feather duster costume anyone?
Gold princess dresses please!
Some spotlight backgrounds like this centered on the avatar could be fun as well
Chamapagne explosions <3
And in the very end of it all...