surgery update
copy paste from amv journal --------- How was AWA?
On the 18th at 4am I went into the hospital. Had my surgery by 8am-ish and everything was okay. Aside from the fact that getting up made my mouth and nose bleed. So i learned how to use a bedpan. Wasn't too motivated to go home but I did on the 19th. Then something happened and on midnight of the 20th I felt like I couldn't breathe and was rushed back to the ER.
Stayed there until the 21st?? Maybe. Came home again and seemed to be doing okay but then I started getting diarhhea. After that I was extrememly nauseaous. I couldn't stop throwing up. And diarhhea. At the same time. Not kidding. I'd always wondered what would happen in such a situation. Now I know.
Anyway, after that my parents refused to take me back to the ER so I ended up just starving myself for maybe a day and a half because no matter what I did was so nauseous. Eventually I got a suppository to help with that and now I am kind of eating again. I had oatmeal today. The last few days I've had baby food. I can't feel my lower lip and barely can feel my upper. My whole chin is numb. Lately I've become obsessed with trying to brush my teeth because I can still taste throw up, and lots of stuff gets stuck in the metal. But I can't open my mouth much; I have to eat with a baby spoon. It's not even the size of my thumb. Eating with one of those is extrememly tiring. I find myself taking naps after eating just because I'm too tired.
But, I seem to be doing better. Good enough to post this, but I'm already tired so I'm gona get off right after. hope everyone else had the time of their lives. Kind of stupid to think I spendt AWA pissing over myself and then puking. But then... AHAH IRONY.
Anyway I hope someone fills me in on what happened. I hate being cut off from the AMV world. I was looking foward to this years' AMV winners and getting to see everyone's new stuff. -----
Obviously meant for AMVers but I am way too tired to think of writing up something more personal.