The Samui clan is just as powerful as the Takana, except they used their powers and skills for dark and cold things. This clan lived in the Leaf village. Samui clan members are skilled in medical stuff, using their deadly accuracy on their needles to assassinate dangerous ninja. Soon, they used it for killing innocent people, so the third hokage ordered every Samui member to be killed. They were all killed, except one. She was young, the same age as Sasuke when his family got killed. Her name was Samui Kiko (last name first).


Kiko Samui
Age: 13
Rank: chuunin/medic (becomes jounin shortly)
Kiko is similar to Tsuni, losing her family at a young age and living alone. Kiko is the 2nd strongest girl in Konoha, and best friends with Tsuni. She was actually held back a year in the academy, so she graduated with Tsuni and everyone else. Kiko was in a team with Raiko and Shikuki, who are both brothers. She has a strong bond with Raiko, but doesn't like Shikuki. Their sensei was a man named Otomo, but was revealed later on to be Orochimaru, actually using Raiko and Shikuki as spies to spy on Kiko and Tsuni's team.
Kiko's original name was Akuba, curse, because she was the only Samui clan member to survive. She was treated like an outcast like Naruto and Gaara, until Tsuni reached out to her at the girls academy. Kiko now hangs out with Team Takana, and her team once in a while, mostly hanging out with Kong, since she has a crush on him. Kiko is substitute leader for Tsuni whenever she has to go with Team 7 on a mission or do something alone.
In Shippuden, Kiko comes back from visiting Kumo with her teammates. Unfortunately, before, when Kiko leaves Kumo, her teammate, Shikuki, starts attacking Kiko, revealing to her that he and Raiko were spies for Orochimaru, sent to kill Kiko, since she was originally the vessel for Orochimaru. But when he took interest in Tsuni, he showed no more interest in Kiko and send Raiko and Shikuki to kill her. But Raiko, having such a strong friendship with Kiko, fights against his brother. They both end up killing each other in the process. Kiko, upset at what happened, tries to heal Raiko, but he refuses healing from her. Instead, he told her that he loved her and gave up his scythe for Kiko to have. Raiko's scythe would show Kiko that he would always be with her. Kiko gives Raiko and Shikuki a proper burial, and goes back to Konoha, sad, but proud of Raiko and how much he changed before he died.