16 hours of total h3ll
OMG this awake potion is drivin me nuts! oh well its getting me farther from dreamland as fast as possible. see the problem started last weekend. rather the precursor to the problem. i tried to stay awake later, because of an irl event that'll be coming up in a month or so. i need training 3nodding and now my body is like "oh, the old schedule? i can do that!" so the result is being able to stay up later, only crashing at the last mintue. add to this my current schedule of getting up early once again my body's like "oh the new schedule? i can do that." now there's a significant problem here. have you seen it? yup thats the one. something about a candle, and both ends being immolated. mhmm. so repeat as needed thru the week till last night. my eyesight has been failing n concentration's been toast (n mee tendons been killin me) so i passed out at like seven and woke up at eleven. bonus sleep no? awake till five now no? no. passed out at onethirty or some scratch like that and in some sort of primordial rebellion my subconscious mind downloads a whole lotta bad stuff in to my dreams (including the nap) for 16 hours. SIXTEEN HOURS OF TOTAL H3LL. so now its early afternoon and i need to be awake and this awake potion is making me twitchy...