This is only a story to help with the character Description so i hope that you enjoy it, if so leave a comment and there will be more to come. mrgreen
Title the Barons Beast
U.S.S Naval Division
June 7, 3785
From High Admiral Roman Tropic
Dear: Admiral
A few weeks ago there was some information that was given to me by the Chinese Royal government, I was worried at first that it could kill me with most of the newest viruses going around, and there is no telling what it could have been. But it was a letter stating that I must come to a meeting set by the Royal Command of China.
I know what you’re thinking; why is it that China is having a meeting for a US Admiral unless it was a call of war, well given the currant circumstances with the Darkblood Governing it would not be a good idea for China to strike a new war with us. But under the protection of the Natural law of Nations we can’t go to war when we are at war with an outside world, so I commenced to act as a person with high concern about what they had to say.
At first I thought that it was going to be a meeting of some form of negotiation for more forces to aid in the fight against the Darkbloods, but it was nothing more then just ghost stories but not just any stories, these stories even scared me as I was given an old box full of information that was very unpleasant to read or hear about, after reading this information I was told that if I was to hear or see any signs from this I was to destroy it and never speak of this again.
Admiral we may have a problem; but know this if what they say in the Royal Chinese Government is true then we must not let this fall into anyone’s hands, especially the Governing, Admiral once you are done reading this you may know what is to come,
I think that we may have found out what happen to your sister.
Please read this to get a better understanding of your mission.
And best wishes to you my friend good luck.
Top secret files:
Date: Earth Military time zone 3:52 am sp.
Location: Menus Kite Airspace
Incident location: Space Research Facility title the Caribbean.
On March 5, 3772 at 22:00 hours a research facility that governs the name; the Caribbean by former Admiral Rich Carter, a once respected commander aboard this great vessel as he, his crew, and the Caribbean was reported missing from their set location in the Menus Kite sector, this was reported by Commander Haley Hun leader of the Attila Squadron from the royal Chinese fleet.
As she wrote:
“While on portal I Commander Haley Hun along with my wingmen’s Jason Lee, Samira Kem, and Tem Ford, as we were doing our regular portal entering the Menus Kite sector a distressed signal was picked up by my wingmen Tem Ford. Although the signal was weak we could barely hear it, but for some reason the signal was strong enough to send what little we needed to understand of the situation.
I told my wingmen to send me a feedback of the signal; he refused saying that it would disturbed me from what he heard from the background of the signal. I ordered him once more to send me the feedback, he complied with my orders and I gain the signal but what I heard from the feedback was very disturbing, as I regret to inform you something went horribly wrong aboard that Facility.
I order a full search for the Caribbean and its craw; all my wingmen reported no signs of the Caribbean and we believed that the Facility may have fallen to the planet near by as it is not a moving vessel of great speed, and is only able to move around a planet, but suddenly as I made my search for the Caribbean I spotted something in the distant. It was a floating body of a man who was covered in blood and what I believed to be deep shakiest and bloody wounds, also something else I believe to be a large amount of saliva on the space suite he was wearing.
As I was making a call to the main fleet for assistant suddenly my wingmen Samira Kem screamed over the site of many bodies of men and women floating in space, some for an odd reason we’re ether dead or alive, and I as a commander of my squadron for 8 years will admit, what I have seen today is nothing more then amazing, because what was seen were bodies of people half with blood over them, and others with half of their bodies missing or more likely bitten off with not just one, but many teeth marks coving their bodies, and what’s even stranger is the fact that some of those bodies that were found we’re still moving, even in the vacuum of space and with out any oxygen suite to protect them they we’re somehow able to still move, as if they we’re swimming in water.
We waited for our fleet to arrived; we seat there and watched those bodies floating through space and coming back to life, some tried to even attack my wingmen like savage beast but I ordered my wingmen not to shoot as I was order by my fleet.
Finally at 24:34 my fleet arrived and relieved my wingmen and I for the rest of the journey back to earth.
There is nothing further to report.”
After the Chinese Royal fleet ended their search for anymore bodies, or the Caribbean they left the area knowing of what they may have found to be highly dangerous and highly unknown, and they we’re never allow to bring it to earth on the grounds of being destroyed with it.
But it is unknown of what they have done with those bodies, even though the Facility did belong to us, they truly had no idea of what they we’re getting themselves into.
My thoughts on this; are what ever happen on the Caribbean must have done the same to their people as well, I say that I believe that they have learned their lesson.
But by doing so and letting us know of their underhanded deeds, they lead one of our ships right to the location of the incident, we believed that they had token all of the bodies, so there was nothing that we could do but make a report until something was done to find out what really happen.
But that is what we wanted the Royal Government of China to believe, reason why is because they missed one body, and this man was barely even alive, with blood running from his eyes. We asked him what happened and he stated that it was a beast in the ship and then he said nothing more. A few days went by; and it did not take long before he would die, and then he would rise again like the rest of them as the report stated. We studied him and still it's unknown to what it was that caused this to happen to a heavily defended and impenetrable ship that would put half of the Darkblood governing fleet to sham.
All we know of from this unusual incident; is what has been given to us and that is only a body that we found floating in space, unfortunately the Caribbean was no where to be found.
But as we ask questions about how it happen and wasting most, if not all of our resources to find the answers that may just be right in front of us, we we’re still unable to find out what truly happen to the Caribbean and its crew, until one day it came back.
March 5, 3785
At 22:00 hours former Admiral Keys reports of a unknown distressed signal coming from the Menus Kite sector, in some way or anther like a ghost ship in a bed time story the Caribbean returned to it’s resting place but this time, we wore there first and Admiral keys was able to get some men aboard the ship. Unfortunately only 2 made it back out of 14 men, the rest are unknown and as for those two who made it back well; lets just say they join the rest of those who go aboard the Caribbean, but we wore able to gain something from this, we wore able to get an image of the beast that was mentioned by the first victim of this madness.
We call it the Barons Beast
It stands at almost 80 feet and can eat 20 men in a single bite, it’s unknown to what or where this beast came from, but we don’t want it to leave that ship.
We have found a small but readable life-support signal coming from inside of the ship it’s up to you to gain any entry into this ship and find the signal, it could be your sister we don’t know.
I’m sorry my old friend I wish that I could go with you but you are the only one close enough to get to this ship before it vanishes again for who knows how long.
So I wish you the best of luck.
U.S.S High Admiral
Roman Tropic
Title the Barons Beast
U.S.S Naval Division
June 7, 3785
From High Admiral Roman Tropic
Dear: Admiral
A few weeks ago there was some information that was given to me by the Chinese Royal government, I was worried at first that it could kill me with most of the newest viruses going around, and there is no telling what it could have been. But it was a letter stating that I must come to a meeting set by the Royal Command of China.
I know what you’re thinking; why is it that China is having a meeting for a US Admiral unless it was a call of war, well given the currant circumstances with the Darkblood Governing it would not be a good idea for China to strike a new war with us. But under the protection of the Natural law of Nations we can’t go to war when we are at war with an outside world, so I commenced to act as a person with high concern about what they had to say.
At first I thought that it was going to be a meeting of some form of negotiation for more forces to aid in the fight against the Darkbloods, but it was nothing more then just ghost stories but not just any stories, these stories even scared me as I was given an old box full of information that was very unpleasant to read or hear about, after reading this information I was told that if I was to hear or see any signs from this I was to destroy it and never speak of this again.
Admiral we may have a problem; but know this if what they say in the Royal Chinese Government is true then we must not let this fall into anyone’s hands, especially the Governing, Admiral once you are done reading this you may know what is to come,
I think that we may have found out what happen to your sister.
Please read this to get a better understanding of your mission.
And best wishes to you my friend good luck.
Top secret files:
Date: Earth Military time zone 3:52 am sp.
Location: Menus Kite Airspace
Incident location: Space Research Facility title the Caribbean.
On March 5, 3772 at 22:00 hours a research facility that governs the name; the Caribbean by former Admiral Rich Carter, a once respected commander aboard this great vessel as he, his crew, and the Caribbean was reported missing from their set location in the Menus Kite sector, this was reported by Commander Haley Hun leader of the Attila Squadron from the royal Chinese fleet.
As she wrote:
“While on portal I Commander Haley Hun along with my wingmen’s Jason Lee, Samira Kem, and Tem Ford, as we were doing our regular portal entering the Menus Kite sector a distressed signal was picked up by my wingmen Tem Ford. Although the signal was weak we could barely hear it, but for some reason the signal was strong enough to send what little we needed to understand of the situation.
I told my wingmen to send me a feedback of the signal; he refused saying that it would disturbed me from what he heard from the background of the signal. I ordered him once more to send me the feedback, he complied with my orders and I gain the signal but what I heard from the feedback was very disturbing, as I regret to inform you something went horribly wrong aboard that Facility.
I order a full search for the Caribbean and its craw; all my wingmen reported no signs of the Caribbean and we believed that the Facility may have fallen to the planet near by as it is not a moving vessel of great speed, and is only able to move around a planet, but suddenly as I made my search for the Caribbean I spotted something in the distant. It was a floating body of a man who was covered in blood and what I believed to be deep shakiest and bloody wounds, also something else I believe to be a large amount of saliva on the space suite he was wearing.
As I was making a call to the main fleet for assistant suddenly my wingmen Samira Kem screamed over the site of many bodies of men and women floating in space, some for an odd reason we’re ether dead or alive, and I as a commander of my squadron for 8 years will admit, what I have seen today is nothing more then amazing, because what was seen were bodies of people half with blood over them, and others with half of their bodies missing or more likely bitten off with not just one, but many teeth marks coving their bodies, and what’s even stranger is the fact that some of those bodies that were found we’re still moving, even in the vacuum of space and with out any oxygen suite to protect them they we’re somehow able to still move, as if they we’re swimming in water.
We waited for our fleet to arrived; we seat there and watched those bodies floating through space and coming back to life, some tried to even attack my wingmen like savage beast but I ordered my wingmen not to shoot as I was order by my fleet.
Finally at 24:34 my fleet arrived and relieved my wingmen and I for the rest of the journey back to earth.
There is nothing further to report.”
After the Chinese Royal fleet ended their search for anymore bodies, or the Caribbean they left the area knowing of what they may have found to be highly dangerous and highly unknown, and they we’re never allow to bring it to earth on the grounds of being destroyed with it.
But it is unknown of what they have done with those bodies, even though the Facility did belong to us, they truly had no idea of what they we’re getting themselves into.
My thoughts on this; are what ever happen on the Caribbean must have done the same to their people as well, I say that I believe that they have learned their lesson.
But by doing so and letting us know of their underhanded deeds, they lead one of our ships right to the location of the incident, we believed that they had token all of the bodies, so there was nothing that we could do but make a report until something was done to find out what really happen.
But that is what we wanted the Royal Government of China to believe, reason why is because they missed one body, and this man was barely even alive, with blood running from his eyes. We asked him what happened and he stated that it was a beast in the ship and then he said nothing more. A few days went by; and it did not take long before he would die, and then he would rise again like the rest of them as the report stated. We studied him and still it's unknown to what it was that caused this to happen to a heavily defended and impenetrable ship that would put half of the Darkblood governing fleet to sham.
All we know of from this unusual incident; is what has been given to us and that is only a body that we found floating in space, unfortunately the Caribbean was no where to be found.
But as we ask questions about how it happen and wasting most, if not all of our resources to find the answers that may just be right in front of us, we we’re still unable to find out what truly happen to the Caribbean and its crew, until one day it came back.
March 5, 3785
At 22:00 hours former Admiral Keys reports of a unknown distressed signal coming from the Menus Kite sector, in some way or anther like a ghost ship in a bed time story the Caribbean returned to it’s resting place but this time, we wore there first and Admiral keys was able to get some men aboard the ship. Unfortunately only 2 made it back out of 14 men, the rest are unknown and as for those two who made it back well; lets just say they join the rest of those who go aboard the Caribbean, but we wore able to gain something from this, we wore able to get an image of the beast that was mentioned by the first victim of this madness.
We call it the Barons Beast
It stands at almost 80 feet and can eat 20 men in a single bite, it’s unknown to what or where this beast came from, but we don’t want it to leave that ship.

We have found a small but readable life-support signal coming from inside of the ship it’s up to you to gain any entry into this ship and find the signal, it could be your sister we don’t know.
I’m sorry my old friend I wish that I could go with you but you are the only one close enough to get to this ship before it vanishes again for who knows how long.
So I wish you the best of luck.
U.S.S High Admiral
Roman Tropic
Community Member