Right, well since I took so bloody long getting around to my entry on the San Diego Comic-con I've actually been to another convention in the meantime. So I'll be doing a kinda compare and contrast, for fun. ^_^
the San Diego Comic-con was very packed which is suprising for a Sunday. Being the last day of the convention most of the people who've been there since day one have tired out and are packing it up. However Sunday is also known as Kids' Day so all the less than kid friendly content is toned down. Also I was very disapointed to find that many of the freebies had already been grabbed up sad empty shelves left in their place.
Overall it was still pretty fun, not all the freebies were gone and I got to see a lot of cool stuff. I even managed to find some really sweet deals on some trade paperbacks.(Thats what you get when you collect all the little serial comics of a story arc into one book, they often come out it hardcover versions first, but paperbacks are cheaper.)
Oh and I finally got a fox-squirrel plushie from Ghibli Studio
This thing:

The other convention I went to recently was Sigragh, which if you don't know is one of those industry conventions where a bunch of people in the given field of work, in this case the graphic media industry, gather to show off the latest and greatest technology, recruit, share and generally make a nuisance of themselves and have a little fun while at it.
As many of you know I'm a 3D animation student and this was a great networking opportunity. I got to ask a bunch of companies about their internship and hiring policies. It was incredibly fun, but also very educational. It was enriching on a level that Comic-con normally isn't for me. While I spend money and have fun at Comic-con and think of it as a big amusement park/swap meet that's around for a week, Sigraph was free and in some ways helped me learn how to improve myself. Plus it was loads of fun checking out all the animation displays and the many different Motion capture booths that where scattered around.
Also, it should be mentioned that while Comic-con has consistently been in San Diego, Sigraph, while held this year in L.A., is held in a different city every year.
Right, well I should be going now. Thanks everyone for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it at least a little. ^_^
I would like to state for the record here that Comic-con can provide with some great opportunities to get into a job or internship with in the graphics media industry , it can be painstaking.