Yah. High school starts for me on the eighteenth. Can you flippin' believe that I'm only a freshman? ... Okey, maybe you can. but that's not the point. The point is that I'm wigging out here. I haven't the money to get anything as far as clothes or supplies go, and I'm stuck riding my bike there. Now don't get me wrong, I love bike riding. It just bugs me that there's so much downhill. I always manage to cream out then. (That's why I got these gloves.) So that's what's going on right now. Other than that, there's just my internet life. My gaia (this thing you're looking at) needs gold and purple ink. Please donate! My dA (deviantart) is simply bombing. No matter whose account I visit, they have over a thousand pageviews. I scarcely have over eight hundred. I recently entered a lo9t of art, and it's getting a little attention, most of which I cannot tell the origin of, and I'm happy about that. But I still need some support. (Check here please::: http://www.raphianna.deviantart.com/) And last but not least, my weblog. I just want to show this one off. It's pretty sweet. In my opinion. If you like reading blogs (unlikely) check it::: http://www.xanga.xom/xxelle_the_prototypical777xx/ . If you don't like reading blogs, just add me there.