Hiya Peeps! 8D
(Omg!!!!Peeps are delicous! =P )Anyways!Back to teh main thing!Yesh as some of you may know my avi has drastically changed! I was.....

Aaahhh memories! 8D
Anyway I change to fit the need of TrxX13 and My clan...but I won't get to into telling you about it...(PM if you want to know more...special qualifications are needed.....)

Aaahhh memories! 8D
Anyway I change to fit the need of TrxX13 and My clan...but I won't get to into telling you about it...(PM if you want to know more...special qualifications are needed.....)
Oops...getting of track!Ok..Ok...down to business!Ok people, I am going to try and make new parts to, my best story, Reindeer Assasin! 8D The old charactors have not changed but I will be adding new ones!I will also be adding new places! =D Also..I have a little surprise I'm throwing in! But I won't spoil it!( Oohhh!How tempting! I'm so evil! x3 )
If any of you readers(Out of the[maybe] 5 of you...)have any comments/suggestions/questions/etc. please comment and Pm! =]
Thank-you to all who helped and read! :3
If any of you readers(Out of the[maybe] 5 of you...)have any comments/suggestions/questions/etc. please comment and Pm! =]
Thank-you to all who helped and read! :3
