Bite Me.
The dogs are somewhat territorial and subsequentally vicious. Because they live in the shadows. BTK is really an interesting guy. Now, when I say interesting, understand that I mean thought provoking. As you know, BTK stands for Jon Raider's little check-list of what to do to his victims, first bind, then torture, and finally kill. He's recently been apprehended and brought to trial where he was made to recount every instance of his crimes. People found it so amazing that he could say all the brutal things he had and not show any sort of emotion, but I don't find any sort of emotion necessary. Although the murder of ten people is a harsh concept to wrap one's mind around, its quite simple. It stems from an old Native American saying. "There are two dogs in my mind, the one that grows larger, I feel more inclined to feed". So has been said about the parallel lives serial murders lead because they live on a different plain of understanding from others. It's not fair to label them as psychos or nut-jobs, because first of all, they were never the same to begin with, and second, our sense of normality varies between people. We tend to forget that those that seem the least normal are infact the most profound and spectacular because more intellectual stimulation occurs in their minds than any other type of person. "Why murder? They asked me, to which I responded, "To witness something truly phenominal." - Ted Bundy