omg i loved connecticonn heart i was dressed in my gothic lolita dress....damn gaia left at 10 30 in the morning so i missed them y couldnt they stay for 12 in the afternoon -.-.....i said hi to someone dressed as reuik (shenigomi for light in death note) i am like hay it is reuik and he is like hay it is you XD it was funny my friend was glomped 3 times lol.....he was dressed as sauske lol fan girls.....i took a para para class but i still suck lol......umm i chilled with sora and roxas <3 ....i won a matrial arts fight in the halls lol i was fighting orochimaru XP ......i found a grunny wristband on the floor yeah me XD......the food is awsome the game section was nothing like i thought but it is still good...... i bought a picture of L fave and a pourtrit of me.....the cutiest thing i got was a roxas axle and lL hand made plushy <3 love em i also bought a bag that says gothic lolita society.......there were a lot of ppl there it was awsome 6 ppl randomly took my picture hehe it is funny XD.....i wanna c if it ends up on youtube for connecticonn 2008 .....i am in a great mood right now heart blaugh heart twisted heart 4laugh heart
wat i feel like 