Everytime, everyday, everything
Even if we go our seperate ways, I'll hold us together
You are my special one
Even if we go our seperate ways, I'll hold us together
You are my special one
Ok, well how exactally do I say this? Well, hi. And uh..man this is pretty hard for me...but I guess I can start around here?
Well this is for everyone:
hey people. If I 've known you from like December 4th, 2004-December 4th 2005, then read on. just this paragraph tho.
I am shenna45. And you wanna know something? I'm sorry for all the immature things that I've done in the past. And take a look at me now: I'm more mature, smarter, and have a better outlook on things...sorta. So, please stop ignoring me. It makes me feel worthless, and idiotic. And when I feel like that, I tend to cry, or become depressed. And normally, nothing can get me out of my little depression times. ;] so. I'm just asking you this. Lets all start all over again. ok? Just forget about the past, and think about what's happening now. Start right from the introductions. ok? Thanks for all the good times we've spent together.
This part is mainly directed towards((and I'm sorry for mentioning your names too.)) Inuyasha-samaskoi122, Kanaku, and 'Fron...well mostly Inu and Kanaku. So 'Fron, you don't have to read this part if you don't want to...
Hey yo guys, It's been a long time. Remember me, shenna45, that 5th grader you met through 'Fron? smile Well... I can't even think straight... you know...? Like a lot has happened and stuff...so like just bear(sp?) with me here. ok? Well, remember back in those times? Like when we were like talking like almost everyday after school? Or when we would like hang out at different places? I sort of remember those times, though, they're quite blurry if you ask me... smile ...I miss those times, like a lot... Kanaku. I miss you. So much. No words can even express my grattutide towards you. You were so kind to me. I miss that. And that time, at Serena's wedding. I'm very sorry about that. I was still young. I didn't know any better. I'm sorry that I kind of went off on you. I didn't really mean to. I didn't think before I acted. I was so immature then, but look at me now! I'm older. Smarter, happier, more mature, and most defetenally greatful for all those fun times we spent together. Yes, I know I already sent you something like this but, still, I had to do this. I once again had to get these feelings out. ...You were one of the greatest friends I had. You never judged me, or at least from what I can remember. And you were almost always there for me. I greatly miss those times, and I wish we could once again go back to those times. You know, I'd do anything I possibly could, just so I could spend some more time with you. That was how much of a good friend you were. So if we could be friends again, that'd be nice. But I can understand, if you don't want to. I've been through it all to many times before. smile Inu. What ever happened between us? Like we were like really good friends one day, then the next, we weren't. I just want to know what happened. I already miss out friendship. I miss you. And what ever I did to deserve this, I'm so very sorry. Because at the moment, like the way things are now, it'd be nice to be able to have someone who understood me to talk to. You know. You too, were one of the greatest friends I've ever had. And I appreaciate that, a whole lot. I wish I could say more, but I don't want to end up crying. I hope you'll understand. And maybe, we could be friends again? If not, then it's just like what I told Kanaku. I've already lost enough friends, so I'm pretty much used to getting put down. And 'Fron. There's really nothing I can say to you. Since we still talk you know? You were really nice to me, and you always seemed to make me happy, when I was sad. I can even remember the first time we met, it was sorta like it was 2 years ago! biggrin Thankies for all those times we spent together. Talk to me again sometime! k? Cuz I miss ya! whee Anyways, Kanaku, Inu, and 'Fron. You three were the bestest besties I've ever had. 'Cause when ever I was around you, I felt safe, free from harm. I miss those days. I love you guys soo much too! smile so, I had some really great times with you three over the years, or year. I really miss ya. So let's maybe talk again sometime, k? I'll be waiting, for how ever long it'll take. 'Cause I know this for certian; I'm going to stop running away from my past, and I'll handle things, more maturley. ok? :] I promise from the bottom of my heart to do those things. So please, Stay with me, till the end. Or until when ever. :] Since, I don't want this to be the end.
Who's next on my List...
Somkin Treats. Haha. We've been through some good times havn't we? You were like one of the first people that I've met. You were even nice too. Remember when I made that Anime Inn/Bar, then my mom wouldn't let me go on Gaia for a while, and you and kawaiicute tried to make another one, but that one failed? Haha. It made me happy just from hearing that. Because, it's nice when someone thinks about you, and acknolodges your accomplishments... am I right? biggrin I miss ya. We should talk again sometime. I'm here almost everyday. k?
Ranralko. Even though you're not even on Gaia now, I just have the urge to write this. I MISS YOU. I know we have gotten into a fight like right before you left, but I never truly wanted you to leave. Cause even now, without you here, there's a piece of me missing. Anyway... You should see gaia now. It has changed so much from when you were last here 3 years ago. You should really come by and see it some day. Maybe even msg me! biggrin
Who else must I adress in this letter?
Kawaiicute! Just cuz! You're like an awesome friend. How come you're never on now a days? sad I miss you.
Ha ha...well if there's anyone else that I missed, tell me. k? I might add some more people later. So keep an eye on this Journal entry of mine. K?
Comment if you'd like. And if any of you guys know Inuyasha-samaskoi122...could you tell her what I said, or direct her to my journal for me? That'd be really nice if you could. So I guess this might be my last journal entry in a while...a long while... or just a couple of days! So yeah. I'll talk to you guys later. Shenna45 out bby.
Everytime, everyday, everything
I have faith. Even if time doesn't stop
If we're fated then we'd be able to see each other anytime, right?
I have faith. Even if time doesn't stop
If we're fated then we'd be able to see each other anytime, right?
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