What a surprise....
Figures...here I am, at it again. I just cant help but stare at me cieling at night and wonder...WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!! WHY CANT I SLEEP?!?!?!?!?!?! But even tually the boredom grips me so tightly that I just have to get up and write something...and since I dont have any empty notebooks (Thanks to all of my friends during the school year...REALLY appreciate it considering that most of those RPs are dead now and you all get practically unuse notebooks...) I have to come down here and rant into this thing. *Heaves a sigh* Phew...okay...I feel SOOOOOO much better now...but there's still this empty feeling in my stomach....oh well...TIME FOR EARLY MORNING RAMEN!!!!! G'MORNING TO MEEEE!!!! Oh...and I finally got a job blaugh atleast for two days this weekend I get to bo and clean up at the bar across the street from my house. You would not believe how much my town is hurting for money...it sucks so bad. Most places wont hire me until I'm 18 so they've got to wait for two years until I'm eligible...All of the restaruants have been making sutbacks as it is so I'm outta luck there...Hell, my local craft gallery store is booked up...I CANT EVER GET A JOB AT THE FREAKING IGA FOR CHRIST SAKES!!!!*fans self* okay...I think I'm done...anyways...I'ma go get ramen and read up on stuff unti lI eventually pass out here on my keyboard and end up typing YDFRRTFHGFHGFHVGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in an instant messenger with my face on the keyboard...WISH ME LUCK!!! 3nodding ninja
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