Well I'm in one of my moods again...I was feeling depressed yesterday and I had this whole big article I wanted to right in my journal about it but now I've forgotten most of it. Anyway what brought this "Depressed state." Uppon me was pretty much the new dress code for my school. At first I hated my new school but then it turned out to be some what Ok, now with the new dress code I hate it...I pretty much Have to dress in a Normal city school uniform...which I hate especially since I don't live in a city. Anyway the whole reason the school is doing this is because their are children(bad children/teens) who have been moving from school to school because each one has been making new dress codes to keep them out...I'm not really sure if its working, but still its really annoying. And then I got into one of my moods where I remember how much better my old school in New York was. So yeah I'm really depressed kinda. I haven't seen any of my friends since summer began, I can't go to New York to see my old friends. All I have to do GENERAL GUIDELINES All students will be expected to adhere to the dress code on their first full day of enrollment. All clothing must be appropriately sized. Co-curricular and extra-curricular uniforms will be specified by the sponsors of organizations and approved to meet CISD Standards of Excellency by the campus principal. Students who participate in extracurricular activities will be provided specific guidelines from their principal and sponsor as to what they will be allowed to wear during the school day in conjunction with the standardized dress policy. Exemptions and opt-out provisions will be considered for religious or medical reasons.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING CISD’s TUCKING POLICY The tucking of shirts was included in the dress code primarily to address two main issues: 1 – School safety 2 – Exposure of undergarments Remembering these two key principles, campus administrators may consider modifications, particularly for students who have: 1 –Documented medical conditions. 2 – Concerns related to childhood obesity. 3 – Other psychological needs. Those modifications can include, but are not limited to:
o Loose fitted shirts or blouses tucked in.
o Allowance to wear an outer shirt that hangs at the top of the hip, if an undershirt that complies with the policy is worn under and tucked in as stated in the dress code. Parents may request dress code modifications by completing a Dress Code Waiver that is available through their school office. Principals must approve the waiver before students are permitted to make modifications of their dress. Undergarments should not be visible at any time on school premises and students who violate are subject to disciplinary action.at Home is sit on the computer , play video games, or watch TV. Sometimes I can draw but thats only when I'm in the right mood like yesterday before I looked at the new school dress code. I made like 3 drawings yesterday. But still its really annoying and stuff and I pretty much hate living here it really really sucks. So at the end of this thing a ma jigger I'm gonna put the new dress code so if you want to read it go ahead if you don't then you don't whatever...

Standardized Student Dress Code
2008 – 2009
5/13/2008 page 2 of 4
TOPS & BOTTOMS (e.g. Shirt & Pants) May NOT be the Same Color SHIRTS/TOPS Acceptable Style: Button-style polo, oxford, dress shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, or knit-collared shirts; all styles of shirts and blouses must have collars Colors: solid or school approved – black, gray, green, maroon, navy, white, or yellow Logo restricted to manufacturer’s logos approximately the size of a student ID card/credit card (approximately 2 inches by 3 inches) or less Shirts may be short or long sleeved Shirts must be fully tucked (grades K-12) Sweaters and sweater vests are allowed as a layer over an acceptable style of top (see above). They do not have to be tucked but must be worn over a tucked shirt and be appropriately sized in shoulders, arms, and length. School spirit shirts on spirit days. They must be the school color or have the school logo, be campus approved, and worn only on days designated by the campus principal.
Unacceptable Style: Sweatshirts, sleeveless, thermal, or front-zippered shirts/blouses Shirts with any embellishments, glitter, sparkles, etc. Overly tight or revealing cleavage (see through or low cut). Clothing appearing to be pajamas or lounge wear.
Undershirts Undershirts must be white, black, or the same color as the top shirt. All shirts must remain tucked at all times. JUMPERS/SKIRTS/SKORTS Acceptable Colors: solids only – black, khaki, or navy Jumpers must have an acceptable shirt/top under them at all times (e.g. knit-collared shirt, turtleneck, blouse, etc.) Pleated or flat front style Length:
o Grades K-6: hem of the jumpers/skirts/skorts must be 3 inches above the knee or below
o Grades 7-12: hem of the jumpers/skirts/skorts must touch the kneecap or below
Unacceptable Denim Overly tight or revealing (see through or low cut). Clothing appearing to be pajamas or lounge wear.
PANTS/SHORTS/CAPRIS Pants/Shorts/Capris must be worn at the waist and properly hemmed/cuffed. Acceptable Colors: solids only – black, khaki, or navy Pleated or flat front style Length:
o Grades K-6: hem of the pants/shorts/capris must be 3 inches above the knee or below
o Grades 7-12: hem of the pants/shorts/capris must touch the kneecap or below
Unacceptable Style: Cargo/carpenter, jeans or any denim (e.g. black, blue, or khaki), sweatpants, windpants, and warmups Sagging Oversized pants and pant legs Overly tight or revealing (holes). Clothing appearing to be pajamas or lounge wear. Clothing which is torn or ragged.
BELTS Acceptable Belts are required if clothing (pants, skirts, etc.) do not stay at the waist without it. Colors: solids only – black, brown, navy, or white Buckles should be approximately the size of a student ID card/credit card (approximately 2 inches by 3 inches), no larger
Unacceptable Patterns, designs, or ornamental buckles FOOTWEAR Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times while on school property. Acceptable Brown or black leather-like shoes and boots Tennis shoes
Unacceptable Footwear without an enclosed heel or a back strap Cleats, high or spiked heels, roller heels, flip flops, house shoes, and slippers. Military-style boots
SOCKS/HOSIERY/LEGGINGS Acceptable Solid colors: black, navy, neutral (tan), or white Styles: all socks (ankle, mid calf, knee, tights, etc.)
Unacceptable Patterns or designs.
Acceptable Hairstyles must be neat and clean appearing. Subtle shades of natural or ethnically-acceptable hair colors and/or highlights. Boys – one straight part
Unacceptable Unnatural hair colors including primary colors, intermediate colors, and/or metallic colors. Extreme styles such as Mohawks, carvings (designs, symbols, etc.), spikes, and unnatural hairstyles. Combs or picks worn in the hair.
HEAD COVERINGS Acceptable None, except for special occasions approved by the principal.
Unacceptable Head coverings are not permitted and cannot be visible on campus, in the school building, or in the waiting areas on campus. Head coverings include, but are not limited to, sweatbands, caps, hats, bandanas, skull caps, and pullover hoodies.
OUTERWEAR Acceptable All outerwear must be worn over standardized dress and must fit appropriately (not oversized)
Unacceptable Full-length jackets/coats such as those commonly referred to as “trench” coats or “dusters”. Pullover hoodies Logos
Notes Outside jackets and coats (i.e. starter and bulky jackets and coats) are considered cold weather apparel only.
OTHER ITEMS Acceptable Ties: neck ties are authorized only for school designated events
Unacceptable Sunglasses and extreme styles of contact lenses during school hours. Chains (such as those connected to clothing, wallets, etc.), large medallions, teeth grills, and articles with spikes, including, but not limited to, dog collars. Visible body piercing except for the ears. Excessive earrings and excessive gauging (holes in the ears).
Notes Cosmetics (make-up, hair spray, colored lip product, cologne/perfume, scented lotions, etc.) and jewelry should be worn in moderation or not at all. Cosmetics or colognes/ perfumes must not be brought to school.