« « y.a.m.a.n.o ♥ j.u.n.s.u.k.e » »
… the x cosplay x freak …
"I'm not obsessed… I'm just violently passionate about what I do."

Shibasaki hadn’t been in session for very long.. Perhaps around three months. Outside, the weather was slowly cooling down and the newly brown and red leaves were starting to fall from their branches. The disappointment of an ending summer vacation had finally began to wear off of the students as they again adjusted of having to go to classes. It was becoming less of a chore and more normal now—something the students realized was easier accepted than rejected. It made getting up of a morning less burdensome to most, at the very least.
However, Jun was dying for classes to end today, just like he was every day. It wasn’t that he hated his classes or that he hated school period, but he was excited to get away from his math class. Anything was better than sitting through pre-calculus, bored out of his mind and absorbing only very little portions of the lessons. So help him, if he had to start staying after the bell for tutoring… There would be no way that the boy would survive that. He was quite sure that he’d die. He would, most literally, die. Or maybe that was just the more dramatic side of him talking? That, too, was very possible.
At any rate, the black-haired boy was the first to jump out of his seat whenever the last bell of the day finally rang, his bag thrown over a shoulder haphazardly as he made his hasty escape. Not only was he slightly allergic to anything that had to do with numbers, but he still had to go to the café today. That meant he still had to change. While he’d long ago mastered the art of changing from one complex outfit to another and whatnot, he was too eager to get out of the stiff blazer-and-jacket combination to let his feet carry him any slower down the hallways and out of the building.
Roughly two minutes—a new record for him—and he had sprinted from the class building, to the courtyard, and into the café. As per usual, he wasted no time in speeding around the tables and booths, weaving in and out of them expertly on his way to the small, unused-storage-room-turned-changing-room in the back. A quick glance at the clock on his way there told him how much time he had—about forty-five minutes until the doors were open and the students could start filing inside. He wouldn’t need nearly that much time to change, but he could always use what was left over to attach himself onto someone for conversational purposes. Not to mention that he could practically hear a nice fudge brownie beckoning for him from the kitchen.
After stepping into the changing room, Jun pulled the door shut behind him and set to work. His usual, default outfit was stuffed into his bag—a white shirt and a pair of jeans, along with some eyeliner and some hair gel. His L get-up was simple, but it was always a good costume to fall back on whenever his more extravagant, intricate ones were being modified, cleaned, or if he just didn’t feel like wearing them.
He was into the new change of clothes in a matter of minutes, moving on quickly to squirt out a bit of gel into his hands to work it through his hair. That, too, was no novel concept. It was no telling how much money he’d spent on hair gel alone over the course of about five years. Once his hair was set into place, spiked just right, his last bit of preparation was to outline his lower lids in eyeliner. He kept his eyes on the mirror hanging on the wall as he did so, smudging a few lines and inspecting himself once he was done. Voila. He now looked as if he hadn’t slept in a week. Goal accomplished.
Everything else was stuffed back into his bag—unsurprisingly, he was much more delicate with his costumes than his school uniform—and placed in the corner before he left the changing room to seek out either someone to talk to or something to help out with.. Maybe a combination of both. Hell, making brownies sounded like a stellar thing to do. While the cafeteria staff whom helped out with making pies, cakes, and the like after lunch was over did a good job, Jun was still more fond of his own brownies.
”Anyone here yet?” He called before turning into the kitchen. A hiss left his lips as his bare feet met the cool tile, but he adjusted quickly.