TO READ ABOUT THE TRIP (if you haven't already) READ LAST POST!
Well, I don't really have a lot to update on... I'm going to the mountains with Jefer (Pronounced Gee-fer) this weekend, but I'll still get on at night ^_^
Nine days of going to sleep at a fairly resonably hour has killed me O_O; I used to be able to stay up til 4, 5, 6 am with no trouble! Now, by 2 am, I'm falling asleep at my chair... but I stay up anyway, for the love of RPing! -^_^-
I don't know how many people noticed yesterday, but Journals disappeared for a while... The message being that the Journal had not yet been created eek If Gaia would've lost my Journal, I would have been extremely angry / mad / sad / upset / ticked off /any other words along those lines. But it's back ^_^ *huggles Journal* Thank the stars...
Let's see.... been reading 1984... which is a really good book, I think... unfortunately, the part I'm at now is frightfully dull, it's when Winston is reading the book. It seems to me that the book is repeatively redundant...
I also have an idea to do with a couple of my friends ^_^ Since we're gonna be seniors, I want to burn a CD with... well, like friendship songs, songs of encouragement, songs we all just like, or that have a special meaning. So that's my quest now ^_^ Go through all my CDs and find the right songs, then call my friends and tell them to do the same 3nodding
Certain... people... have been on my mind lately... people I wish I could see, but can't, either because they moved and never gave me their phone number (*shakes fist and mumbles*) or because they don't go to my school anymore... *sigh* But maybe it was meant to be, like that ^_^;; Still... *sighs* I'm all right, I promise ^_^;
Quote: (which I borrowed from Neko-Ice's Journal, cause I thought it was funny... to see the whole quote (I only borrowed a portion) read his Journal ^_^)
Hannibal King: Which means the fat lady should be singing, right... about... now!
[pause where nothing happens]
Hannibal King: Heh, this is awkward.
[still nothing]
Hannibal King: Do you have a cell phone?
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