michael and i were hanging out all night last night and while i was driving down five mile this lady was honking her horn and i couldn't figure out why, i came within inches of hitting a little grey deaf and partially blind i'm guessing fifteen year old chiwawa (sp?)
so we parked and chased her around until michael caught her and then took her to my house and got jasmine's old cage to put her in (which by the way she liked, it was weird, we'd open the cage and she'd nearly run in there. it was cute, we could leave the door open and she just slept ^w^) and then we tok her out a few times to potty and neither of us went to sleep untill 5:30 and then i woke up at 8 and took her to the humanes society and then went to nana's and had breakfast with them and took a nap, but it wasn't enough, i am so tired right now @_@ i have one of those tired headaches...
but other than that she was so ******** sweet >w< and we couldn't find a name or number or address on her so just in case we renamed her "Shantea Billy Bob" ^w^