Quest Completed
Well, I'm questing for the Items for my dream avii.
Here it is:
Total Value: 20,492 Gold
After Exclusions: 20,072 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Old MacheteQuest Completed/Bought
White Stockings Bought
Bloody Arm BandageBought
Bloody Upper Arm BandageBought
Bloody Head BandageDonated by Apocalipsiz
WonderlandQuest Completed/Bought
Item Questing Now:
Quest For Wonderland Completed.
Quest for Old Machete Completed. 4-10-2008
Gold Quest.
[The quest bar is going to be updated every 1k]
If needed, when I'm only 2-4k away, I'll make a thread in the forums to see if some generous people would donate to me.
If you want to donate, I'll really appreciate it.
1- Apocalipsiz - 1.5k ~ heart
2- Apocalipsiz - Bloody Head Bandage ~ heart heart
3- Hina Ichigo Chibi - 1.1k ~ heart