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The Journal of a Gaiaholic
...everything about Gaia Online that I feel needs to be preserved for eternity! ^^
TRIAL OF IAN - Day Three, Closing Arguments and VOTE
This is the second part for "The Trial of Ian." If you wish to see the first part, please look at the previous journal entry. Or next, I don't understand the journal system.

Trial of Ian - DAY THREE
Cindy Donovinh
Cindy Donovinh here live from the Durem Courthouse.

Yesterday we finally saw some forensic evidence placing the defendant at the crime scene! It seemed quite damaging to Ian's case. In retaliation, the inside word is that Ian himself will take the stand to clear his name... but we'll just have to see about that now won't we?

Let's go to the courtroom, the trial is about to continue!

Cindy Donovinh
User ImageDefensebot, please call your first witness of the day.

User ImageThe defense calls Gino Gambino to the witness stand.

User ImagePlease verbally state your designation and occupation for entry into the court record database.

User ImageMy name is Gino Gambino. I am the son of the most powerful man in all of Gaia, Johnny K. Gambino.

User ImageGino, is it true that Ian helped save you when you washed up on the beach several months ago?

User ImageWell, I was unconscious during that time, but when I came to at Sasha's house, Ian was there. He helped Sasha get me better.

User ImageThen Ian did, in fact, play a role in helping you get better?

User ImageYes, yes he did.

User ImageDo you believe that Ian has any illwill or bad intentions towards you or your family?

User ImageI don't see why he would. I have no beef with him nor his family. Why should he be any different towards me and mine?

User ImageHas Ian ever threatened or harassed you?

User ImageNo.

User ImageHas Ian ever so much as laid a finger on you?

User ImageNo. Never.

User ImageThank you, Gino. End sequence of questioning.

Cindy Donovinh
User ImageProsecutionBot, you may cross examine the witness.

User ImageMr. Gambino--

User ImagePlease, call me Gino.

User ImagePardon me, Gino. You say that Ian never laid a finger on you is that right?

User ImageYes sir. That is correct.

User ImageI believe you. Of course he didn't touch you. Did you know that Ian wanted to leave you on the shore to die that day?

User ImageI ... had no idea.

User ImageCome now, Gino. When you were caught in the burning mansion, Ian left you there to die as well didn't he?

User ImageBut he had to save Sasha... In fact, I told him to--

User ImagePlease answer the question, Gino. Did he or did he not leave you to die in the burning mansion on the night in question.

User Image...

User ImagePlease answer the question.

User ImageHe ... he did.

User ImageDid you also know, Gino, that Ian has long resented your family and your father especially?

User ImageBut what does that have to do with me?

User ImageIt has everything to do with you Gino. Even now, don't you feel responsible for the actions of your father?

User ImageI ...

User ImageI don't think I need to remind you that you are under oath here.

User Image... yes, I do feel responsible for my father's actions...

User ImageWell, Ian feels the same way as you do! He blames YOU for the actions of your family. And it angered him when you stole Sasha away from him--

User ImageOBJECTION! Speculation and badgering the witness--

User Image--adding one more betrayal to the list of offenses that the Gambino family has done to him!

User ImageThat will be enough counsel!!

User ImageI ... really had no idea ... I would never hurt anyone.

User ImageI'm done with this witness your honor.

User ImageIndeed you are. Gino, you may step down.

Cindy Donovinh
User ImageDefensebot, please call your next witness.

User ImageThe defense calls the defendant, Ian, to the witness stand.

User ImagePlease verbally state your designation and occupation for entry into the court record database.

User ImageIan. I own and run the Barton Boutique. Well, at least I used to run it before all of this happened.

User ImageIs that your full designation?

User ImageYes, it is.

User ImageHow long have you been running the Barton Boutique?

User ImageWell, including my time when it was in Gambino, since I was a little boy really. It is my family business and was handed down to me by my father before me.

User ImageWould you say that the people of Barton have come to depend on you for all of their discount purchases?

User ImageOf course. For the cheapest clothing and accessories, there no place cheaper than Barton Boutique. Many people all around Gaia depend on me for that. Everyone trusts me.


User ImageThe defendant will please refrain from making claims about his own character.

User ImageI see no reason to delay this question any longer. Ian, did you commit arson at the Gambino mansion on the night of October, 30?

User ImageI did NOT, sir. I would never do such a thing! I am not a violent person and I would never harm a living thing.

User ImageThank you, Ian. End sequence of questioning.

Cindy Donovinh
User ImageProsecutionBot, your witness.

User ImageIan, is it?

User ImageYes... *gulp*

User ImageIs that your full name? That is, do you have a last name?

User ImageOf course, it's--

User ImageOBJECTION! Relevance?

User ImageI'm sure many people would like to know.

User ImageThe law does not require last names to be announced. Everyone here knows who the defendant is here. And this is totally irrelevant to the case at hand.

User ImageWithdrawn. Ian, how is it that you know the Gambino family?

User ImageWell, who doesn't know the Gambino family? They are only the wealthiest and most influential family in all of Gaia!

User ImageDo you know them personally?

User ImageNo, not really.

User ImageBut you have dealt with Johnny K. Gambino in the past?

User ImageWell, sure, I helped pass out gifts at the Anniversary Ball a couple years back...

User ImageIs that all?

User ImageWell, sure it is.

User ImageYou run the Barton Boutique, formally known as the Gambino Boutique, did you not?

User Image... yes.

User ImageAHA! Earlier, both Ruby and Meredith testified that you had prior dealings with Johnny K. Gambino when your Gambino Boutique was taken from you! Why did you hide that fact, Ian?!

User ImageNO! I didn't ... I mean ... well, I don't like to think about that.

User ImageWhy did you LIE, Ian?

User ImageI didn't mean to ... it's just ... it was a hard time in my life. I had a lot of pressure on me ... to make the boutique succeed. My family entrusted it to me. The "boutique" has long since been a family trademark, a business passed down from generation to generation. Every owner of a "boutique" ran his business with a talking cat. It was tradition. And a good business gimmick as well... When Rufus became the last in his line of talking cats, I knew I would be the last of the "boutique" owners... there was a lot riding on me to succeed... I ...

User ImageWell then, how did you feel when the shop's prime real estate was taken from you by the Gambino family?

User ImageI ... well, at first I was upset... I didn't know how I felt really. I went through a bunch of phases... anger, denial, depression, etc...

User ImageYou were angered?

User ImageOf course, I hated myself... I hated that I couldn't step up to the plate and succeed. My father had succeeded before me, and his father before him, and his father before him...

User ImageSuccess was very important to you.

User ImageYes... it was. I didn't want to let everyone down.

User ImageSo, then, you would do ANYTHING to succeed?

User ImageYes... erm... no.... that's not what I--

User ImageWhat did you do after you lost the Gambino Boutique?

User ImageI, well, went away for a little while. Ended up in Barton Town. I worked really hard for the past few years to get the Boutique where it is today.

User ImageBut your sales have never amounted to much compared to what you were making on the Isle de Gambino?

User ImageNo, but I'm ok with that. I've learned that I don't want to be in charge of so much pressure and responsibility... I... I just want to be happy. I just want to be lo--

User ImageSasha.

User ImageS-s-sasha...

User ImageHow do you feel about Sasha?

User ImageSasha?!

User ImageYes. Sasha. And let me remind you that you are under oath here.

User ImageI ... *gulp* erm ... I ... I love her.

User ImageBut she doesn't love you, Ian.

User Image...

User ImageIn fact, from all of the media coverage we've seen from New Year's, it's quite obvious her heart belongs to another man ... a GAMBINO, in fact!

User Image...

User ImageTell me, Ian. How do you feel about that?

User Image...

User ImageDoes it anger you to know that the woman you love was taken from you by the same blood that took your family business from you?

User ImageI ...

User ImageYES or NO, Ian? Does it anger you to know that all of your hopes and dreams were dashed away by the GAMBINO's?!

User Image...yes. *sob*

User ImageAnd you would do ANYTHING to get back what you lost, wouldn't you? WOULDN'T YOU?!

User Image... I ... yes. *sob* *sob*

User ImageNo further questions your honor.

User ImageYou may step down, Ian. I believe that is the final witness of the trial. We will now take a recess while the prosecution and the defense are finalizing their closing statements. We will reconvene with the closing statements tomorrow at which time the jury will be able to decide the defendant's fate. Court is adjourned!

Cindy Donovinh
Well, there you have it! Today is a close call, I have no idea who did better today. We'll just have to wait for the closing statements until we can get a better idea! And GAIA 9 Action News will be there with coverage. You can count on it! See you then! Cindy Donovinh, signing off!

Closing Arguments and VOTE
Cindy Donovinh
User ImageThe defense may begin its closing statement.

User ImageMale and female humanoids of the jury. It is quite apparent that the prosecution has no case here.

All of the evidence that has been recorded into the court record database has been circumstantial. The prosecution has a tape of the defendant at the crime scene, but nowhere in that tape does it show the defendant actually doing anything wrong.

The prosecution has a bottle of pills that has the defendant's fingerprint on it. This only shows that the defendant was there. And we know why he was there. He was there simply to save the woman he loves FROM the fire.

The prosecution claims that the defendant is an evil, deceiving humanoid. But all that I observe of the defendant shows that he is merely a humanoid searching for *clang clang* ... love.

The defendant was simply "in the wrong place at the wrong time" to be accused for this crime. We all know that Ian is not responsible for this act. Let's not prolong his suffering any further. Hasn't he been through enough?

User ImageThe prosecution may begin its closing statement.

User ImageLadies and Gentlemen of the jury.

The defense would have you believe that the defendant, Ian, is a harmless individual. But we've shown you evidence that this is, in fact, not the case at all.

We had numerous witnesses, even witnesses called by the defense, admit that Ian was jealous of the Gambino family, especially with Gino Gambino.

We have witnesses testifying to Ian's violent nature. Ian ASSAULTED a man who was just doing his job.

We have irrefuteable evidence of Ian fleeing the scene of the crime and evidence that Ian was where he wasn't supposed to be that night.

We have evidence that Ian had forethought that something bad was going to happen at the mansion that night, a warning to the woman he loves.

Ian HIMSELF admitted that he would do ANYTHING for this "love." I call it jealousy. And we've seen it time and time again. Jealousy breeds acts of violence. The answer is clear. Do NOT let Ian get away with this heinous crime. You must convict Ian.

User ImageThank you. This case now lies in the hands of the jury, i.e. the Gaia members. The voting begins now and will end in 5 days. The fate of the defendant, Ian, is in your hands now.

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