Name: Guerrero Antiguo
Zampoktou Name: Ryu Kokkimaru
Gender: Male.
Bio: He lived his life like any other normal boy, until the Grand Fisher showed his ugly head. THe grand Fisher killed him, and his parents, him at the tender age of 8. He became a Hollow, out to kill the Grand Fisher, and then, after a few years, he was attacked by a soul reaper. That soul reaper cut off the bottom half of his mask, but did not kill him. He became an Arrancar, but hated being one. So he approaches the Soul Society, and askes to join the ranks of a Soul Reaper.
Personality: Silent, won't speak unless spoken to.
Ablities/Skills: Ability to send a spear of spirit energy through the enemy. Can be blocked.
Other: Zanpakuto Unawakened

Zanpakuto Awakened

Squad You Wish To Join: 9th

(On Appearance, ignore the armor, and weapon, and wings, and put a Soul Reaper robe on him, and a top of a Hollow mask on his face.)