As it says, I charge $5,000 per chibi, that size, with simple accessories. The more accessories I will add $1,000 - mostly because I will be adding more detail into the work.
If you would like something bigger, I do full body sketches for $15,000. Sample below:
How To Order:PM me with an image of the avatar you would like drawn. I will let you know if it will be $5,000 or $6,000+ depending on detail. I expect half up-front and half when finished. I will let you know if I have time to do the commission or not.
If you would like a sketch, as seen above, PM me with Avatar image, and I will let you know if I have time or not. The sketches take longer, but are more detailed. I still expect half up-front and half when finished. I will scan in the sketch at 100dpi, or larger if you'd like.