my mom thinks im going to commit suicide & wants me to see a stupid psychiatrist scream
i just asked her why can't people commit suicide? i asked her that question a million times though. & every answer she gave me had something to do with god. then i told her that i don't believe in god & im an athiest. then she told me that i have to believe in god scream WHY CAN'T SHE JUST ACCEPT THAT I DON'T BELIEVE IN ANY GOD OF ANY RELIGION??!!! & i don't get it: why do i have to believe in god???? why? why! Why! WHY! WHY!!!
& why is suicide even against the law? if someone wants to terminate themselves, they have the right to do it because it's their life! why is suicide so bad? i REALLY want to know the answer to this question because i've been thinking about it since i was 5! & now 7 years later, i still haven't found an answer. i just really want to know why can't people commit suicide???!!!
i really want to know.
but my mom thinks i need to see a shrink to find out why i think suicide should be allowed & why i want to commit suicide. stare
but i just seriously want to know the answers to these questions 1) why isn't suicide allowed? 2) why is suicide such a controversal thing? 3) why's wrong with commiting suicide?
i think you should be allowed to kill yourself if you want to. but why would you want to?
sadiegirl01 Community Member
Fri Feb 22, 2008 @ 11:40pm
it's against the law cuz it's hurting/killing your life & no one would ever want 2 do dat. seriously, y would u want 2 do that? just try out the " phychiatrist"/ whatever thing. if u don't like it, than feel free 2 punch him/her/ whoever.
c0mp1ete1y b0red Community Member
Fri Feb 22, 2008 @ 11:46pm
but why's it against the law?
moon-light-godess1 Community Member
Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 06:15pm
first of all i don't really konw the answer to any of those questions eiether and second of all... it dosen't tell me who lord teapot is
ItzMichie Community Member
Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 09:00pm
Marikaa Community Member
Sun Mar 23, 2008 @ 03:10am
Maybe you should just stop wondering about it and just kill yourself. I know that sounded harsh, but there's no use complaining about something that you want to do when you can just DO it. Tons of people in the United States go against the law every single day. Why do you think you hear some celebrities or people on the news commiting suicide? It's illegal, so why did they do it?
Your Mom is trying to help you but the thing is, you just can't agree with her. You don't believe in God. I understand if she's done something really bad in the past that has affected you that you're doing this but if your just another average kid complaining that parents always ruin everything, then I think you should listen to her. You won't tell her why you want to commit suicide so that's why she wants to bring you to a psychiatrist. Tell her why and maybe she can help you out.
If you got this crazy idea from the entries in MY journal, then I think you should just stop it. Don't try to copy my s**t, ok? This is serious, so I think you should just calm down and think it over.
There are people out there who's been through so much that it's a wonder they haven't TRIED to kill themselves. My aunt's friend had been raped many times by her father and everytime she got pregnant, her father would take her to the hospital to get the baby aborted. She's been in a worser situation than those emo kids who whine about everyone hating on them and complain about how horrible their life is, thinking the solution is drugs, or suicide. She's still alive. And shes ok.
If you ARE going to the psychiatrist, then just let everything out or your questions on suicide won't be answered. The questions you asked can be easily answered by people who have faith in God but you don't believe in God. Maybe the psychiatrist can help. Think it over.
Here's a question maybe everyone who read it wants to be answered: Why DO you want to commit suicide? Is it because of the drama at school or because your parents get mad at you all the time? That is NOTHING compared to what other people are going through. You should feel lucky that you were born a healthy child and don't need to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. You should feel lucky that you can see or hear and talk. Your lucky that you can think and comprehend. So you should think it over.