"Sir look out!"Fred shouted.Fred ran in front of Santa.Santa saw the assassin and picked Fred up to block himself.Fred was shot and died instandly.The reindeer crashed threw the window.It pulled out it's gun and began shooting.Santa ducked and punched his fist to the wall.A tile fell off and Santa reached in and pulled out a gun.Santa began shooting.The reindeer ran into the hallway.Santa followed,but when he ran out no one was in the hallway.He slowly began walking down the hall looking from side to side."Where are you ya ba**ard come out and fight like a man!"Santa shouted.Just then from behind him,he heard a gun click.But before he could turn around he got shot in arm.He fell to the floor and his gun flew a few inches infront of him.Then he was hit in the head with baseball bat.
To be countinued

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