Age: 16
Race: Neko
Bio: Keeko was orpaned at the age of five when her parent died in a car accident which involved a canary, an odd assortment of candy, and a double decker bus in the middle of miami florida.
Personality: She is easily mad so stay on her good side or she will never let it go.

Name: Yuki Chimeru
Age: 15
Race: Fallen Angel
Bio: Yuki doesn't remember anything before the age of five so it like shes ten instead of fifteen.
Personality: Shy and outgoing when you get to know her.

Name: Tony Saint
Age: 21
Race: Fallen angel
Personality: Serious he watches Keeko carefully since he is her gardian.
Bio: Tony fell out of the sky swearing when he laded in front of a crying girl he felt sorry for her and watches over her.

Name: Miaria Maria Cheicko
Age: 16
Race: Human
personality: Curious and outgoing shes just etching for and adventure.
Bio: Miaria real name is Miaria Mayumi but she was adopted by the cheicko family since her family thought twins ment bad luck.

Name: Valarie Clain
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Personality: Her personality is a mystery
Bio: Unknown
Powers: None
Something Odd: when ever she closes her eyes they change to a different color. She is often seen braiding her hair.
Her short blonde hair is always either half braided in small tight braids or small tights braids mixed in with her unbraided hair.