In the Arena...The North Star
In the icy confines of the north, there lived demons who fed off travelers they tricked into getting lost in the night. Soon, so many were taken that the people could not leave town to get food. Only one person, a young girl, was brave enough to try to mark the path to save the village. When the demons learned of her plan, they attacked her in force, slaying the poor brave child. The god of the north took pity on her by granting her one wish. To his surprise, instead of wishing to live again she wished for the townspeople to be safely able to travel to get food. Granting her request, he plucked the heart from her chest and it turned into a shining light. He seated her amongst the stars and said "So long as you wish to help your people, this star shall shine bright in the sky and guide there way home. And so was born the North star, ever vigilant and unfailing, it guides travelers home in even the darkest night, all thanks to the wish of a girl named Polaris.
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