I hate rice...
One thing about me, is that I can't cook if my life depended on it. Yes, I can draw but I can't cook. Which, this bugs my mother and because I burnt rice I am now grounded. Apparently, I burned it on "purpose" confused , which is crazy, 'cause why would I eat burnt rice? I wanted my boyfriend to come over today but obviously that's out of the question, which sucks. I haven't seen him in a week and I really miss him. It's six months since we've started going out and we still haven't gone all the way, which is starting to create problems, especially since my view on that our extremely fickle. sweatdrop Oh, well, we're trying to work out those problems and well, they are kind of messy but we'll get through it. Oh god, I have to meet his mother soon. She thinks we're already, well yeah you know, because he had two monsterous hickies on his chest and once came home smiling after coming home from my house, so she thought, he really twisted his ankle skating and was trying to hide the pain... dumbass, couldn't tell her he went skating instead... How the hell did i get off topic? eek