Gaia Name- shnarf9892
Character Name- Trapula
Gender- Female
Species- Sorceress/Lycan/Vampire (see biography)
Weapons- Trapula carries a slew of knives hidden around her body and she is very presice with a bow, but her main weapons are her twin elemental blades that will change elements at her whim.
Age- Turned into a sorceress/lycanthrope at age 19, turned again into a sorceress/lycan/vampire at age 1599, exist 465 years, appears to be in her late teens/early twenties
Personality- Trapula has always been kind of a loner, never relying on others to get things done, introverted, and very aloof. Now that she is basically outcast from every species, she is a lot warmer towards people, hoping that she will someday be accepted as what she is. She is still a loner, but only in the sense that nobody wants to be around her because she is so much different from them. When most people see her, they immediately underestimate her strength, intelligence, and abilities. In truth, though, she is one of the most powerful and dangerous beings alive. The only thing stronger than her abilities is her will. Once she sets her mind to something, almost nothing can stop her.

Biography- Trapula had it all as a sorceress. The look, the face, the hair, the power, the friends--everything. Envied by all and looked down upon by none, she was the "it" person.
That is, until a werewolf found her.
Before she knew it, that lycan had bitten her. The transformation was long and painful, but three days later, she emerged as a sorceress/lycan cross breed. She tried to be part of the lycanthrope pack, but she was an outsider, not of full blood, and they treated her with contempt. Even so, Trapula fought alongside the lycans, saved wolves lives, helped the pack grow, determined to be accepted. But every day, it was the same. They gave her food but ignored her otherwise. She followed the pack into a battle against an opposing vampire clan one day.
And then a vampire bit her.
The werewolves could have cared less about her life, so they left her there. The vampires figured that the rivaling bloodlines now in her would kill her.
But oh, how they were wrong.
This transformation was much longer, excruciatingly painful, and forever life changing. For days, Trapula thrashed upon the forest floor, convulsing with the waves of pain coursing throughout her body. Her screams could be heard for miles. Some of the werewolf cubs even consider the valley to now be haunted. After eight long days of torture, Trapula rose as what she is today: a sorceress/lycan/vampire hybrid, more powerful than everybody, but more vulnerable than anyone could have imagined.
During that final transformation, the vampire and lycan venom struggled to even each other out, while the sorceress blood in her just tried to find someplace to fit. It resulted in all of her abilities being amplified. From the lycanthropes, the ability to transform into a wolf became the ability for her to shape shift into any living, breathing creature. Speed was dramatically increased, as was stamina, strength, intelligence, and cunning. She can speak telepathically with any creature. From the vampires she received incredibly acute senses; beautifully feathered, snow white wings; and the curse of never being physically able to sleep. Her sorceress blood made it so that she can cast some of the most powerful magic to ever hit the face of the planet.
With those powers came immunities. She is immune to silver, wolf bane, sunlight, garlic, etcetera. She does not have the insatiable blood lust of the vampires, nor did she retain the urge to transform at a full moon. But of course, she is now immune to just about everything that would help her heal in any way.
Now, with her body being so complex, it takes Trapula more than twice as long to heal from a wound than it would a human. It it just impossible for her system to rebuild itself that quickly with so many things incorporated into one small frame. If she gets cut, she will bleed for hours.
Trapula has learned to accept herself, but she still wants to be accepted by others. She roams the earth searching for answers to questions, reasons behind logic, and purposes for being.
Other- Trapula's only companions thus far are the animals of the forest and a single phoenix that rarely leaves its perch on her shoulder.
RP sample:Mine is a little more than half way down the page. Read "This is What I Have Become" not "The Crystal Fate."