Me! by ArMinervaUe

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Lord Voldmort and Xemnas by ArchAeon

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Victoria and Zoe (My OCs) by Excel-Mp

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ME, with a sword! twisted by BiteSizeSamurai

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ME, with a sword again! by Weather Forecast

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ME! by Nina Nailo

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Pist Off Me by x_Poisoned

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Me with Mah Sword and Book by Rino Tokino

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Me by Elaine the VampireSs

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Xera (my RP character)

And last, but definitely not least:
Me! With my three favorite boys! by ArchAeon

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Now then. I know I missed a few, but for some of them, it's been such a long time that I can no longer remember who the artist was, and I'd feel bad posting them if I wasn't able to give credit where it was due. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of pressing the wrong button about a year ago and deleting all my PMs.
If you know you made me a commission and you don't see it up here, please PM me. I likely have it in my folder, and I'm wondering where the hell it came from. sweatdrop
Thanks again to all my loverly artists! You make my days brighter!