in my art class we're assigned a sketchbook assignment every week, well this week my teacher decided to do something different she gave us each to small slips of paper, on one piece we were to write down a noun and on the other we were to write down a verb. after that we separated them into two piles and each person was supposed to choose a noun and a verb. After we got out results we were to make a design for the box/can the product would have (so in other words we were to advertise for the product)
my verb: Asian : the probelm with this: IT'S NOT A FRICKIN VERB! stressed frikam frakam boil into a stew
but it's going to be okay right?...not really
my noun: Miami, Florida
so how exactly do you have Asian Miami, Florida and make a box label for that?!
well you don't so I was allowed to choose another slip of paper. and now i'm stuck with selling "Asian Girl" eek
my first thought: I'm advertising for a prostitute!
as fun as that may sound it has to be school appropiate and so far my only idea is to design a doll (like a barbie or something) and label it as Asian Girl or what not.
if you have any other Ideas please share them with me.
thank you
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