November 2007 (Are you ready to battle?) |
After all the excitement of Halloween it was time to relax for a little while, at least until Christmas season.
November as we all know is not the most exciting moment of the year. Gaians however, never stop begging for a Thanksgiving event. xp That could be considered the most exciting thins of the month xd , but fortunately there was something else that is starting to get our hopes up. I am referring to the long awaited Battle System, and no, is not released yet. xp However for the first time ever instead of receiving information from posts coming from the staff every once in a while, we now have an official website that keeps us updated on the progress of the game:
It has all kinds of information explaining how the system will work, but the most important and perhaps dissapointing part is that to battle we will use rings instead of weapons. Back in 2004 when the Battle System was first mentioned we were all excited about being able to hold a weapon and engage into battle, remember that it wasn't until October of that year when we got the first holdable items, any pics of avatars with weapons were edits. So I suppose I will not be able to use my demonic pitchfork or my ancient katana to kick some a**, hopefully these rings will be worth it. I like the part that says we can sell them, maybe it will become my next gold making strategy, too bad there is like 100k users who will try to go for the same thing. xp By saying is too bad I mean that the feature will probably lag for a month or two, maybe more. gonk Anyways I can't wait to give it a try, and can't wait to see all the complaints on Site Feedback either. xd
Besides that there really isn't any other details that are worth mentioning. The next event that I might want to address is that the evolution items from the Gaia Cash Shop have started to evolve, the Fausto's Bottle and the Green Corallus Egg for example. The bottle inflated crazily because of this, good thing I got mine before the hype, with my own earned gold that is, I can't spend cash and even if I could I would never do it. xp
There was also an addition to the World Map during the month, however those maps didn't had a purpose for the moment. The maps were the Von Helson Manor, Durem Graveyard, Halloween Town and G Corp:
^Is a little late for Halloween now, but if they were added they might be used in the future (Even if it means waiting a whole year xp ).
The letters for this month had the choice between the Wild Things (OMG! eek CHOCOBO! surprised ) and the Autumn Glory, as a bonus we can purchase a special armor that goes with the Wild Things, there goes my free 25 Gaia Cash. xp
I am sure we got a great month ahead of us, is my favorite time of the year again that is coming. blaugh Now excuse me, I have to eat my turkey. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Flux · Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 07:56pm · 0 Comments |