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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 17
It didn't take long for Red to catch up to Blue and Yellow. Once she arrived, Yellow healed everyone, including herself; to the best of her ability, and Red energized everyone. They decided Red would be the best one to fight Green, since she was Fire, and also since she used the least amount of energy. She led the way, with Blue and Yellow walking beside each other. Eventually, they came to Green. He was leaning next to a door, which led to Daisaku's room. He seemed disturbed, and reluctant. His eyes were shut, even as the three approached him.

"Miyamoto..." Red frowned slightly.

Green opened his eyes.

"So, you guys came, huh?" He asked. "You defeated all the Captains other than myself, going against all odds. You have faced both physical and emotional trials, and all that boils down to this one moment. Even though you knew your lives would be in danger, you still came. You carry the future of Iota on your shoulders, with the intent to bring hope to her citizens. And that is why I am proud to have once led you three. Come, let us fight for our fates!"

Green jumped forward, and Red blocked a kick. Green then tried two palm attacks, but Red blocked the both of them, then gave him a straight punch. He stepped back, then shot bursts of Forest energy in a rapid succession. Red was hit by all of them, and was forced to put up her guard. She shot a stream of Fire at him, but he slapped it back at her with his forearm. She was forced to sit down, but she jumped up again.

"How did you get so powerful?" Red asked, surprised.

"With immense training." Green told her. "I only wish that I had been so obsessed with training when I was your leader. We might have developed some interesting attacks!"

He dashed at her again, then gave her a swift kick, backed by Speed energy. She twirled around in the air, then crashed into the ground. Green dashed at her, but then Blue shot a crystal at him. He looked at the last second, and was hit by it.

"If he's had as much training as I think he's had..." Blue started. "Then Terra's not going to be able to handle him by herself!"

"You intend to fight me as well, Yamato?"

Blue shot small orbs of Water at Green. He blocked them, and he was barely affected. The water which remained on his body, he absorbed, and a slight green glow surrounded him.

"I think you helped him out." Yellow frowned.

"That he did, Charlotte." Green closed his eyes, and focused power into his right hand.

Blue dashed at Green, who was already prepared. Green gave Blue a powerful kick to the side of the head, knocking him over. Red stood, and had been charging her energy. She let loose three streams of Fire, thinking that at least one of them would hit. Green Countered all of them, then dashed alongside them. The bursts hit her, then he slammed his right palm into the ground below Red. An explosion of Forest energy sent Red up to the ceiling, then to the floor.

"He's even learned techniques from Vincent..." Red groaned.

Green then noticed Yellow, who had been focusing. She shot a spray of static, but he blocked most of it. He then ran at her, about to attack. But when he was a few centimeters from her, he stopped. There was a long pause, and Green looked her in the eyes.

"Miyamoto." Yellow muttered.

"I can't..." He closed his eyes. "I can't do it. You're my sister. I can fight Yamato and Terra to a certain extent, at a training level. But... I just can't bear the thought... of hurting you, Charlotte."

He didn't seem to notice Red sneaking up behind him, flames whirling around each fist. She tightly grappled onto him, as hard as she could. Green gave a grunt in surprise. Yellow stepped back, horrified at what was about to happen.

"Sorry, Miyamoto!" Red told him, concerned as well. "Immilate!!"

Flames surrounded both of their bodies, Green yelled out as they were both engulfed. When she let go, he dropped to his knees, leaning on one hand for support.

"You..." He coughed. "You got me... good bye... and good luck."

He disappeared in a cloud of leaves.

"Miyamoto..." Red frowned.

"There's no time for contemplation." Blue told her. "We need to stop Daisaku!"

Red nodded, then they headed into the next room. Daisaku was holding the Ruby Orb Gem, and Supreme was standing there, eyes closed, concentrating.

"You're too late!" Daisaku laughed. "With the undoing of the final seal, Satarage Golden Silver, Guardian of Destruction, take hold of this Cyberhuman's body!"

Daisaku absorbed the Gem's power, then a large flash covered the area. An intense presence of power could be felt by all. Even Daisaku felt a little intimidated. When the light faded, Supreme had changed. He had longer hair, which streamed down to his waist. His dark red cape and undersuit became silver in color, and his armor gold. And when he opened his eyes, the irises were a brilliant gold.

"Yes..." Golden Supreme said. "This is suitable. You there!"

"Me?" Daisaku asked. "Yes, I am your Admiral, Daisaku."

"Admiral? Ha! I serve nobody."

"What did you say?" Daisaku was angered.

"I just want to thank you for releasing my power. It's not the best vessel... but it'll do."

"Do you mean to defy me, the one who released you? Is this how you give thanks?"

"It's not that I'm ungreatful." Golden Supreme smiled. "It's just that I have much bigger fish to fry. Like Augustus Serenade, the Guardian who sealed me away."

"I have no interest in your squabble. I plan to change the face of Iota as we know it. And you are going to help me."

"Why should I lend my powers to such an inferior being? And, what's all this about changing Iota? You can't change Iota. You're not influential enough."

"You insubordinate fool! I'll punish your idiocy!"

"Try me."

Daisaku ran at Golden Supreme, only to get sent back through to the other room by one powerful punch. He was immediately knocked out by the attack.

"This is not good." Red stared.

"We still need to try." Yellow told them.

"Satarage, perpare yourself!" Blue took defense.

"Oh, you three mean to hold me back as well?" Golden Supreme laughed. "Each one of you is weaker than that other fool. But if you want a beating, I guess I can't deny such a courageous yet foolish request."

Red rushed forward first, and gave him a right hook. He wasn't even moved by the attack, then picked her up with one arm, and flung her across the room. She smacked into a wall, but managed to stay on her feet. Blue threw a barrage of crystals, but they had no effect on him. When he turned his attention to Blue, he was flying right at him. Golden Supreme's next punch was blocked by a well timed barrier, though it couldn't stand the power of the attack, and disappeared soon after.

"Fools!" Golden Supreme told Blue and Yellow. "My body is invincible!"

"Yeah?" Red grabbed onto him from behind. "But that doesn't mean we can't knock you over!"

She struggled against his endurance, but it didn't seem like she was doing much.

"Strong... girl!" He tried resisting.

"Get... down!!" She threw him onto the ground.

None of them noticed, but the impact caused the Gems to fall out of one of Golden Supreme's pockets. They floated up, out of reach, then orbited around each other.

"Impressive." Golden Supreme stood up. "I like you. You're strong."

"Yeah?" Red frowned. "I'm not amused."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I really look like."

"Sorry, but I don't think that's going to happen."

Blue took a casual look above, because a glint caught his eye. He noticed the Gems, then quickly looked at Yellow. He tapped her on the shoulder, and she looked at him. He motioned his head up, and she looked at them, then looked at him again. He gave a casual grin, then he and Yellow continued watching Red and Golden Supreme.

"Enough of this chatter!" Golden Supreme smiled. "Time to get down to business."

He held a palm out, and a spreading blast of golden Light energy sprayed out, then exploded. They dodged the best they could, but the three still were damaged a little. Blue stood up, and shot a stream of Water energy at the Ruby Orb.

"That shot was way off!" Golden Supreme taunted, then shivered a little. "What the hell?"

Yellow unleashed a series of quick bolts at the Sapphire Diamond, making Golden Supreme flinch at every impact. Red looked at them, then noticed the Gems, then grinned. She fired a powerful surge of Fire energy, which struck the Emerald Triangle with precision. That impact made his knees bend, a little. He looked up, and noticed the Gems.

"What?" He stared. "I thought those were secured!"

"Daisaku must have anticipated your rebellion, and made sure the Gems weren't bound to your body." Red laughed. "But, that's just a wild guess."

"Well, I guess this means I'll have to be more careful."

He disappeared, then reappeared in front of Red, and gave her a powerful smash attack. She was knocked down, and dazed. Blue clenched a fist to his chest, then shot out a deluge of Water energy at the Ruby Orb.

"Guh!" Golden Supreme stumbled, then punched the ground.

A wave of silver Light energy rocketted towards Blue, across the ground. Blue was knocked over, but Yellow shot a focused bolt of lightning at the Sapphire Diamond.

"How am I supposed to fight three of them?" Golden Supreme stepped back. "They're all buzzing around me!"

Red stood up, and helped Blue to his feet. They were all facing Golden Supreme, standing side by side.

"Fine. I'll just have to stop holding back!" He pressed both palms together. "Nuclear Strike!!"

He clenched his fists, reared his arms back, then shot a large beam of gold and silver Light Chaos. Chaos is driven by emotion. The more extreme the emotion, the more powerful the attack. It can be either Light Chaos and Dark Chaos. The three of them were blasted back through the wall, and onto their backs. Red and Yellow had absorbed some of the energy, but were still damaged. Blue was still conscious, but could barely stand back up.

"Hang in there, Yamato." Yellow frowned. "I've got an idea. We need to charge our energy, then finish off the Gems opposite to our Elements."

Blue nodded, then focused his energy. The three of them charged their energy as high as they could. Golden Supreme was slouching.

Nuclear Strike is a powerful attack... He thought. But, the only thing I can't stand about it is that I can't move for a while after I use it.

"Okay." Yellow smiled faintly. "Don't use the power just yet. We need to deactivate the three Gems which are weak to our power."

Red and Blue nodded, then the three of them shot a flurry of their own attacks, respective to the disadvantegeous Gem. In no time, the Ruby Orb, Sappire Diamond, and Emerald Triangle were converted to quartz, and clattered to the ground.

"Heh." Golden Satarage chuckled. "You're still not going to beat me. You need a Forest user. And when I can move again, you're going to regret messing with me."

"As long as we pump enough power into our attack..." Yellow started. "I believe we can deactivate the Topaz Star. Combined Assault, Element Disaster!!"

Yellow unleashed Arcane Blitz onto the Topaz Star, releasing powerful lightning blasts. It reacted negatively, but wasn't affected too much. Red casted Pyroclasm, a huge explosion of Fire engulfed both Golden Satarage and the Gem. The damage was considerable, but the Gem still remained. Finally, Blue was the last to finish his focusing.

"Absolute... Zero!!" He called out, then raised both arms.

A crystal formation of ice shot up from below Golden Supreme, covering both him and the Gem. Blue then clenched both fists, and the ice shattered. The Topaz Star flickered into quartz, then uselessly dropped to the floor. Golden Supreme fell to his knees.

"Gah..." He gasped. "I'm vulnerable now. If this keeps up, I'm done for."

Red, Blue, and Yellow fared no better. It was all they could do to stay standing. Golden Supreme stood.

"You... should feel lucky." He put a palm to his forehead, and held the other one open. "You are the very few who have witnessed a Guardian's power. Free me from this trap... in the name of destruction... Rite of Annihilation!!"

The whole Eclipse shook tremendously, with all the power that Golden Satarage was gathering. He glowed with golden Light Chaos, then he opened up his arms. A myriad of beams shot in various directions, but their purpose was only to destroy the Eclipse, and somehow they all missed Red, Blue, and Yellow. The explosions damaged them a little, but they guarded the best they could. Everyone was blinded by the high intensity light, not knowing where to go, not knowing what was going on. They were confused, yet they were unable to move, fearing they might be incinerated by a wayward beam. Once the terror and destruction ended, the only remains of the Eclipse were floating pieces of debris; soon after, Satarage fled the scene.

"We..." Red looked after him. "We need to pursue him..."

She armed her Dragonfly, then boosted ahead.

"Are you mad!?" Blue yelled, then equipped his. "I'm going with you!"

"Yamato, Terra!" Charlotte called after them, in a panic. "Stay away from him!"

She followed behind them with her Dragonfly, and caught up with them.

"He's going too fast..." Yellow told them. "We're not going to catch up in time!"

Daisaku flew past them, with three Ghosts.

"Satarage is too headstrong to be restricted from his goals." Daisaku said. "I now realize the mistake I made when I revived him. Long live The Empire!"

"You still challenge me?" Golden Supreme looked back at the approaching Daisaku. "Welcome to your doom!"

He dropped back behind Daisaku and his men, but still ahead of Red, Blue, and Yellow, then unleashed another Nuclear Strike. Nothing seemed to have remained from the blast.

"Damn it!" Red yelled. "What are we going to do without any energy?"

"I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you." Green called over, as he flew beside them; armed with Seven Force. "But, you must realize I was being controlled by The Empire."

"Is that... who I think it is?" Red asked.

"Miyamoto..." Yellow looked over at him, unable to say more.

"It is an injustice I must pay for." The wings of Seven Force spun around like a propeller, and glowed with a bright light. "And I intend to pay in full!!"

"What are you doing, Miyamoto!?" Blue yelled.

He extended both weapons forward, and rocketted towards Golden Supreme, leaving a trail of light behind him. Golden Supreme charged his hand up, preparing to attack.

"Just try and topple me, weakling!!" Golden Supreme hollered out.

"No!!" Yellow yelled out. "Come back, Miyamoto!!"

She cried out in vain; her brother had crashed full force into the weakened Golden Supreme, detonating the energy which the two of them had been building up. A blinding flash spread out, and anyone standing on the facing side of Iota could see the light spread across the entire sky. Once the light faded, only Red, Blue, and Yellow remained. The three could only stare in shock at what had happened.

"Wh-where did he go?" Red asked in denial.

"I can't believe it..." Blue stared, showing anger and masking his sadness. "Miyamoto, what were you thinking!?"

"Only of the citizens of Iota..." Yellow said quietly. "Only about us. I hadn't realized... I hadn't realized how far he would go..."

"Charlotte..." Red frowned.

"What is it all worth? Is this really what all this justice adds up to? How many people have to die before there can be peace?"

Red and Blue were unable to answer.

"Sure, Daisaku is gone... but at what cost?" Her eyes started to water. "We didn't need to get involved in this... but all he wanted was a peaceful world. Was that really too much to ask? Did he really deserve to die, just because of his dream?"

"Charlotte..." Blue floated closer to her. "We should return home. We've all had a rough day, and we're just as shocked as you are."

Yellow just looked down, and they silently flew down to Iota. Once they got into the gravity range, they flew to Toria, then eventually their house. From there, they went inside, then went directly to bed. They would all sleep through the night, but their dreams would be haunted by the last moments of their comrade.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 06:08pm

    Wait a second I first I thought they had killed Green, then it turn out he vanished like other but are the other dead, sense the entire ship blew up?
    And Golden Supreme looks a lot like Mr. Majestic or just Supremo from the WildStorm comic, but just really freaking evil and with energy power instead of well he did have supert strengh. And I was already thinking that we were going to get to see, Augustus Serenade, and they were going to rescue him but Green sacrifed himself and Daisuke is dead...not too sure about those two probably turn up alived into a fuse being and then they got to killed the Daisuke part or the Skull could use some sort of advance technology to revive them

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